Health foundations
Injury managment
Musculoskeletal system
Technical foundations
Mystery Questions

What 5 aspects make up the wellness wheel?

Social, Physical, Intelectual, Emotional, Spiritual 


What do ABC's stand for?

Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Deadly bleedes, Enviroment


What is the longest bone in the body?



Why do Trainers view sporting events their team plays on?

By viewing the sporting events trainers are able to see the MOI and the accident play out directly, not having to ask more questions and start promoting recovery to the athlete 


name the bone?



What is physical wellness?

Demonstrating the ability to move effectively and efficiently in a wide range of ways 


Who are the three dedicated people in the emergency action plan?

Call person, the person in charge, control person


What is this muscle?



Why do we use a 50% overlap tape job?

Will minimize risk of windowe's and more likely to prevent blisteres


What Muscle is this?     Bonus 2X: How Much was my max bench in 2020


Pectoral muscle 

Bonus 2X: 225 pounds


What is the new Canada recommended food guide portions?

a half plate of fruits and vegetables, quarter whole grains, quarter meats and proteins 


What are the 10 categories of prevention of injury?

1, medical examinations 2, lifestyle 3, protective equipment 4, safe environment, 5, fitness and conditioning, 6,proper warm-up 7, proper technique 8, hygiene 9, balanced competition, officiating and rules 10, rehabilitation


Which type of muscle is voluntary?

Skeletal muscles


What do you do as a trainer post taping? (name 3)

- carefully ensure that tape is removed from athlete safely

- instruct the athlete to let you know if the appendage has itching or swelling

- checking for any injuries the tape may have caused such as blisters or discoloration

- wipe/wash away any traces of tape that may have been left over

-make sure the athlete is recommended a doctor if the injury still irritated them or produces discomfort

-make sure you tell athletes that if any leave without taking the tape off that they will not sleep with it on


What does SAMPLE stand for?




Past patent medical history 

Last meal

Events leading up to Accedent


Describe how social environments have the potential to affect lifestyles?

As humans, we learn proper coping mechanisms and solutions to certain situations that we are presented with whether at home or in some public place. Depending on the situation a person is in then presented with a positive or negative solution, those who choose positive solutions are likely to be successful increasing wealth, social interaction, and healthier lifestyle choices ( proper food, exercise,) resulting in higher life quality. Those who chose negative solutions tend to have poorer lifestyles, having more than likely fall in the wrong crowd, get addicted to substances, eat poorly without nutrition, and in return lowering the quality of life.


Why would you never place a person with frostbite in a hot tub to heat them up?

A process called after drop will occur where the cool blood will shoot to the heart and cool core body temperature resulting in hypothermia and potentially cause the patent to be in more danger than they were before (due to rapid heating)


What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?



When you should not tape? and why? (name 4)

Bonus 2X: how wide are standard tapes?

-if the injury is acute and actively swelling (restrict blood flow)

-if further assessment of injury is required (severe injury)

-if there is ice application (athlete can't tell if it's too tight) 

-if a trainer dose does not know the proper technique (may cause more harm than good)

-if the sport does not allow tape (rules/ guidelines)

-if the sport is not intense enough for tape (pre-pubertal sports as it may attract a dependency to tape)

Bonus 2X: 1.5 inches or 3.81 cm


What are the three injury classifications and their definitions?

Bonus 2X: name examples for each

Acute- an injury that has resulted from a sudden accident Ex: broken bones

Chronic- an injury that develops over a period of time that progressively becomes worse EX: Osteomalacia

Recurrent-an injury that has healed but leaves that part of the body weakened EX: Dislocations


What has the world Health Organization defined health as?

Bonus 2X: Since when have they had this definition of health?

A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity 

Bonus 2X: Since 1948


What are the singes and symptoms of Hypothermia?

bonus 2X: if you give KEY parts to Hypothermia management

-Lowered body temperature from 37 degrees Celcius

-Cold, wet, and windy temp

Bonus 2X:-Prevent further heat loss, add heat to major arteries/areas, provide warm fluid


Which muscle fiber has these characteristics?

- Aerobic -slow contractility -Resist fatigue

Bonus question 2X: Which muscle fiber is used to create a heightened level of testosterone when under stress?

Question 1: Type 1 or Slow twitch

Bonus 2X: Type 2B or Fast twich B


What wrist tape job has the fan attached to the anterior side of the arm (from anatomical position)

Bonus 2X: If you can label the steps in order for this tape in order

Wrist hyperextension tape

Bonus 2X: 

  1. Apply pro wrap onto the skin 

  2. Apply tape above and below the wrist to create anchors

  3. Measure from a 30-degree angle in the opposite direction from how the injury occurred and rip tape appropriately to create a double fan

  4. Apply fan and wre-wrap the anchor to hold it in place 

  5. Create the figure 8 wrap around the wrist

  6. Cover up the rest of the arm with 50% overlap in the tape


Which classification of vertebrae are Superior to Thoracic vertebrae

Bonus 2X: What is the Vesrabre called that holds up the skull?

Cervical Vertebrae

Bonus 2X: The Atlas vertebrae