this dictator suposidly did nothing wrong acording to 4chan
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the final boss
what is the ender dragon
the first youtube channel to get 100 million subscribers
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a childrens star who played a villain but unfortunatly passed away in 2018
who is robbie rotten
the first mob
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the most viewd video
what is despaito
the most well known meme with some elements till being popular
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they were originally gonna be pigmen but were changed to seem more friendly
what are villagers
this trajic event for many big creators on the platform in 2017
what is adpocalypse
who is this gorrilla that died in 2016
who is harrambe
the rarest non craftable item
what is the wither star
he os the most wellknown youyuber and is known for meme review and his minecraft lets-play
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one of the lonest lasting memes of all time
what is the drake format
he is probably the most well known minecraft legend terrifying many children in the early 2010s
who is herobrine
the current ceo of youtube
who is Susan Wojcicki