Who was the strongest man in the Bible? He tore a lion apart with his bare hands. He pushed down the pillars of a temple burying himself and about 3,000 Philistines alive.
what was he born in?
a manger
I once believed that love would be burning red but it's golden like daylight
Taylor swift
I led Israel out of Egypt
True or False
Adam and Eve had a son named Samson
Thye had Cain, Abel & Seth
This man was "full of faith and power." He performed "great wonders and signs among the people." One day he preached a sermon and was stoned to death for it. He is the first Christian martyr.
true or false
Jesus never got angry
he did because people were selling things in the temple of God read in John 2:15-17
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.
bible verse
Song of Solomon 8:7
I was used to kill Christians
True or False
David was not musically talented
he played the lyre (think of a harp, similar to that)
Who were the most fireproof men in the Bible? Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, erected a golden idol. These three men refused to worship it. The angry king had them thrown into a fiery furnace. It was heated to seven times its normal temperature. However, God protected them, and they did not burn
Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego
true or false
Jesus lived a luxurious life
very false
He had humble beginnings and was even considered homeless as he said that he had no place to lay his head (Matthew 8:20- Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.") he was always on the move
I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine
bible verse
Song of Solomon 2:16
I am loyal and did not leave my mother i law Naomi when everything went bad
what is the longest book in the bible
Who was the wisest man in the Bible? He asked God for an understanding mind instead of money, power, or long life. God granted him a wise mind, as well as money, power, and long life.
who tried to kill him when he was a baby?
King Herod
I have found the one whom my soul loves
bible verse
Song of Solomon 3:4
I regret betraying Jesus, I tried to correct this act by giving the money back but it was too late...I died by suicide...
Judas of Iscariot
True or false
there is a talking donkey in the bible
in numbers 22:28
This king was the richest in the Bible. He received money from tribute, taxes, and trade. His country was so rich that silver was said to be as common as stones in Jerusalem.
say 1 thing that he said on the cross?
1- "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
2- Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”
3-“It is finished!”
I'm yours to keep and I'm yours to lose
Taylor Swift
I came as a ransom for many people but ironically the most religious people of the time I lived were the ones who arrested and pushed to kill me....and they did but I gotchu in 3 days...
who were the two biblical characters who did not experience a natural death (both begin with "E")
Enoch + Elijah