A city of 7 hills, it's known for its sound, namely Puget--but also grunge
In 2018 Benedict Cumberbatch voiced this Seussian title guy who wasn't as into Christmas as the Whos were
the grinch
Someone who changes their mind about taking a trip or tying the knot gets cold these
In wrestling you "go to the" this; in another sense it means to take up someone's cause in a dispute
the mat
At 77 million cubic feet, this Virginia office building is the country's largest
the pentagon
The Magic Kingdom south, it was once known as Jernigan but got a name change in 1857 & a Wet 'n Wild water park, a bit later
Alastair Sim is among those who have played this Dickensian man but unlike Michael Caine, did so without Muppets
In slang it means to I.D. a criminal to authorities
Done in certain races, passing this item to another means bestowing your power on someone else
the baton
Most human cells contain this many pairs of chromosomes
Peyton Manning repeatedly gave mid-game shout-outs to this city near the confluence of the Missouri & the Platte
Basically, this heartwarming Frank Capra classic is about a disgraced financier having an incredibly rough Christmas Eve
It's a wonderful life
Express support without following through & you're merely paying this "service"
When you "draw" this in a boxing or fencing bout, you've inflicted the initial suffering in the contest
first blood
Taron Egerton played Elton John in this 2019 musical fantasy
A very specific wooden post led to the naming of this southern state capital en Francais
Baton Rouge
In this film Santa tells Buddy there are 30 Ray's Pizzas in NYC; "They all claim to be the original, but the real one's on 11th"
In the title of Shakira's first U.S. No. 1 hit, these "Don't Lie"
In horseracing the finish of a race is this 11-letter distance, sounding like something you might do after a nap at your house
the homestretch
This European capital's name comes from a barrier built across a river flowing through it
The American Quarter Horse Association is headquartered in this "yellow" Texas city
2 memorable bits from this 1983 classic: the leg lamp & "You'll shoot your eye out!"
A Christmas Story
The second of Thornton Wilder's 2 Pulitzer Prize-winning plays mentions these 2 body parts
Skin & Teeth
To win a car race you'll have to "take" one of these banners; the British spell it with a "Q"
a checkered flag
Due to lawsuits, in the 1940s Pinesol had to change its name to Pine-Sol to avoid confusion with this other cleaning brand