What month do you need to file your taxes by each year?
- April
A regular stopping place on a public transportation route, especially one on a railroad line with a platform and often one or more buildings.
- Station
Beverage with a pop and a fizz.
- Champagne
How many holes are in a bowling ball?
- 3
What is the capital of New York?
– Albany
What is the name of the government sector that is responsible for processing your tax returns.
A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
- Emotion
At the stroke of midnight, people often do this with their loved ones.
- Kiss
The nickname for getting 3 strikes in a row.
- Turkey
What is New York State’s nickname?
– The Empire State
You will receive me from your employer. - You need me to file your taxes.
- W-2
A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
- Auction
What is the most popular resolution on New Year's Day? - Lose weight
Lose weight
The first bowling balls were made of this material.
- Wood
Where does the ball drop on New Year’s Eve?
– Times Square
You fill me out every time you start a new job.
- W-4
A sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause.
- Ovation
What is the address of the Waterford Crystal New Year’s Eve Ball?
- Time's Square
How many pins are there.
-10 pins
What dance company performs at Radio City Music Hall?
– Rockettes
Tax based on purchases of goods.
- Sales Tax
A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.
- Tuition
Also known as the New Year's Eve song.
- Auld Lang Syne
The number of frames in one game.
- 10 frames
What is the states motto?
– Excelsior – Ever Upward
One organization that does not pay taxes.
– A church
A small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
- Faction
On New Year's Eve people make this.
- Resolutions
Bowlers do not wear these due to lane etiquette.
- Street shoes
What is the most visited urban park called?
– Central Park
Deadline for employers to mail W-2s to their employees.
- January 31st.
A part of a whole. Amount of food.
- Portion
Before the giant crystal ball, this is how Times Square mark the start of the New Year.
- Fireworks
Kids might use these when they bowl.
– Bumpers
The buildings that were destroyed during terrorist attacks in 2001.
- The World Trade Center
Having the official review of your tax return for one or more years of filing.
- Audit
A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
- Nation
What color is supposed to bring you luck in the new year if you eat it?
- Green
How many points are needed for a perfect game.
- 300
This trading of business institution was established in the early 19th century.
- New York Stock Exchange
A government-run insurance program that provides healthcare assistance to elderly and disabled Americans.
- Medicare
A liquid with healing, magical, or poisonous properties.
- Potion
What tradition occurs in Pasadena, California?
- Rose Bowl
What is it called when you knock down all ten pins in one try.
– Strike
This canal was built in New York state in 1825.
- The Erie canal
Expenses you can legally subtract from your income before calculating your taxes.
- Deductions
A thick, smooth liquid preparation designed to be applied to the skin for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.
- Lotion
A punch-like drink named after the Gaelic term for “good health,” is served in some parts of England for the new year.
- Wassail
What is it called when you knock down all ten pins in two turns.
– Spare
This street has famous, expensive stores. It crosses Manhattan and goes from Central Park and beyond.
- 5th avenue