What is brown and sticky?
what is a stick
the colour of the sky
what is blue
what is our national animal
what is beaver
the more you take from me the bigger I get
what is a hole
blue plus red
what is purple
who is prime minister
what is Justin Trudeau
People have stepped on me, but not many. I never stay full for long. I have a dark side. What am I?
what is the moon
finish the sentence "the cool colours are blue, green and____
what is purple
what is our national sport
what is lacrosse
I am always running, but never get tired or hot. What am I?
what is the fridge
what is the opposite on the colour wheel for blue
what is orange
what year did they stop making pennies in Canada
what is 2012
I have a stem, but I am not a flower. I have a foot, but I cannot hop. Children are too young to hold me. What am I
what is a wine glass
starts with 'm' ends in 'a'
what is magenta
when was O Canada declared our anthem
what is 1980