Define: Sum
answer to addition problem
Omari could fit five action figures on each shelf in his room. His room has eight shelves. How many action figures total could his shelves hold?
Omari's shelves could hold 40 action figures
"How many in all"
Find the Noun:
Whose bike is this?
The noun is Bike.
the main character usually takes a risky turn, which leads to desperate situations like including explosions, fight scenes, and daring escapes.
What is Action?
Define: Difference
The answer to subtraction problem
Christa had sixteen video games. If she put them into stacks with four in each stack, how many stacks could she make?
Christa has 4 stacks
Find the Verb: That's London's bike that she left on the corner.
Left is the verb.
a character who journeys to epic or distant places to accomplish something.They have a mission and faces obstacles to get to their destination
What is an adventure?
Define: Product
The answer to multiplication problem
Italy was making necklaces for her friends. She had seventy-three friends who wanted a necklace and each necklace took forty-five beads. How many beads would she need total?
3,285 beads
"Take Away"
Find the adjective: Ava always rides a cool bike to school.
The Adjective is Cool.
A story that tells about a series of funny, or comical events, intended to make the audience laugh
What is a Comedy?
Define: Quotient
The answer to division problem
There are sixty-three students in a class. If the Ms.McCrory put them into groups with nine students in each group, how many groups would she have?
Ms.McCrory will have 7 groups.
"How many fewer"
Find the Pronoun:
I am faster than that bike!
The pronoun is I
A character attempts to solve a puzzle. The details and clues are presented as the story continues and the character discovers them.
What is a Mystery?
Define: Dividend
The number being divided/broken down by the divisor
Aiden, Jason, and James all play fortnite together. By the end of the day the team had 160 eliminations. If they played 20 games together, how many eliminations did the get per game?
The team got 80 eliminations per game.
'Share something equally"
Find the Proper noun: 'I think I am faster than Destiny'
The proper noun is Destiny
A story with magic or supernatural forces, as opposed to technology
What is Fantasy?