Let's Go "O's"
20th Century Studios
World Landmarks

To arrange neatly; prepare with structure 

What is organize?


This 2009 sci-fi classic garnered over 2.8 billion at the box office- I'm sure director James Cameron wasn't feeling blue about that

What is Avatar?


Marvel's first blockbuster starred Robert Downey Jr. as this billionaire genius superhero 

Who is Iron Man?


A massive structure in East Asia- not at the U.S/Mexico border as promised

What is the Great Wall of China?


The NFL expanded in 2002 to include this team, which has kept its same logo for almost 20 years, and boasted the first retractable roof in their stadium

Who are the Houston Texans?


Find it in the Greek alphabet, sandwiched between "Xi" and "Pi"

What is Omicron?


Hugh Jackman stars in this 2000 action movie about a team of superhumans with extraordinary genetic powers

What is X-Men?

Dubbed "The First Avenger"- his story begins in the 1940's when he transformed from a scrawny teenager into a powerful super soldier

Who is Captain America?


This religious statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil stands 125 feet tall at the top of the Corcovado mountain

What is Christ the Redeemer?


Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny refer to a period during the 19th century where the United States gained territory, embarking on rough journeys like this one

What is the Oregon Trail?


Annoyingly slow, insensitive, or dim-witted, from any angle

What is obtuse?


The first of this trilogy saw Dylan O'Brien discover and navigate a cruel dystopia

What is the Maze Runner?


Michael Keaton plays the villain in this movie- and he also happens to be the father of the hero's girlfriend

What is Spiderman:Homecoming? 


This South American landmark was a staple of Ancient Incan civilization in the 15th/16th century

What is Machu Picchu?


The NBA has discussed expanding from 30 to 32 teams in the near future- Fox Sports has these two cities as leading frontrunners

What are Seattle and Louisville?


Someone offering wise or prophetic insights, or a computer software company in the Bay Area

What is Oracle?

They've made five of these- covering everything from prehistoric dinosaurs to the ocean to space

What is Ice Age?


Marvel thought outside-the-box for this violent 2016 hit- watch out zerba, it's rated R

What is Deadpool?


This collection of oddly shaped rocks in England, according to folklore, was magically created by Ryan's wizard Merlin

What is Stonehenge?

After the NHL added the Vegas Golden Knights a few years back, their 32nd team, the Kraken, are coming to this city this fall

What is Seattle?


A system of government or an institution ruled by a small, exclusive group

What is Oligarchy?


This recent musical drama brought Zac Efron and Zendaya Teen Choice Awards for their supporting roles

What is the Greatest Showman?


The height of the Batman trilogy comes with this blockbuster as Heath Ledger's Joker goes head-to-head with Christian Bale's Batman

What is The Dark Knight?


This landmark, commissioned in 1632 by a Mughal emperor, was constructed with an Ivory-White marble, and now houses the tomb of that emperor

What is the Taj Mahal?


In his many expansion conquests to spread Greek culture, he decimated the Persians, Phoenicians, Mesopotamia and more without a single loss

Who is Alexander the Great?