Most people picture Prophets as the example of Piety but this man is quite the opposite refusing the Lord and his will before running away.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for ________ belongs to such as these."
The Kingdom of Heaven
This children's program was once number two in the world only behind PokΓ©mon using vegetables to tell Bible Stories
Many athletes have often claimed there were certain matches they knew they had lost when they first faced their opponent. Jacob must have certainly felt that way when he wrestled with ___
He was first of the Patriarchs
Long after the Israelites came to Egypt Pharaoh ordered the execution of their children to prevent what?
A Rebellion
This film depicts the story of the Israelites first coming to Egypt following this first Hebrew sold into slavery
Joseph King of Dreams
It is clear Saul would have been a poor Olympian failing to strike David twice with this weapon
The First Sin
Ruth's story in the Bible is often cited as being without God for the light hand he plays in the tale but we see the importance in his action as Ruth and Boaz become the parents of this man who would father King David
This film involves the Hebrews leaving Egypt and chronicles the plagues the Egyptians suffered during Exodus
Prince of Egypt
Two of Jesus's disciples raced to his tomb upon hearing of the resurrection but which one won?
Feeding of the 5,000
This man is the prophet who warned David of the punishment's for his sin with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah the Hittite
He was Abrahams first son and father of the Arabs
Kevin Sorbo
At first Johnathan refused to believe his father would try to kill David so they decided on a plan for David to hide while Johnathan gathers evidence and will warn him one way or the other when he goes out to practice this sport
Arresting of Jesus
Prophets are often seen as always in the right but in this book of the Old Testament a man known as the man of God is told to go to Israel to rebuke it's King then return to Judea without turning back but when a prophet asks the man of God to return to dine at his house he does and is promptly killed by a lion on the road. Which book of the Bible is this prophet from
1st Kings
Known only as Manoah's Wife this barren women from the book of Judges would be blessed with a child who would be a powerful Judge as long as the terms God set for him. Who was her son?
In the 2011 movie Courageous there are five main characters who sign the pact to become better fathers four are police officers but what kind of jobs does the fifth individual work at the beginning of the movie
Construction Worker