
First-aid kit 

Describe what it is OR how it is used. 

A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to give medical treatment, put together in a box (kit). 


Why did Luis' father ask Luis to prepare everything?

He had been there during Hurricane Wilma, so he already knew what to do, and how to prepare. 


How do you think the family handled the emergency? 

Explain in your own words. 


Adverb of manner: 

She spoke ___(loud) and ____(angry) at the company meeting. 

loudly & angrily

loud & angry = adjectives

angrily & loudly = adverbs


Name an adjective, and name the adverb. 

quick / quickly, etc.


"Storm Shutters"

Describe what it is OR what/how it is used.

Hurricane coverings, commonly known as shutters, are used in storms to protect windows, houses and other buildings from damage / breaking caused by the storm.


What did the government learn from Hurricane Wilma?

They were ready to help people leave the area. 

They had 530 local storm shelters with foods, blankets & medicine. 


During an extreme weather event, do you think the government should be responsible for helping people, or should people have their own plan and safety measures? 

Explain in your own words.


Present perfect with: Already / Just / Yet

Maggie, let me introduce you to Anna. Well, we ____ know each other, we ____ met.

Well, we already know each other, we just met.


Make a sentence using a variation of turn .. into / down / up / over / in / on / off / etc.



 Describe what it is OR what/how it is used.

Goods or equipment that a place or person needs. 

"to supply" > to provide a person with those necessary items.


How is Luis different from his younger brothers? 

He's older and more experienced, so he's better at staying calm, helping and making the right actions. 

What type of extreme weather event scares you the most, and why?

Explain in your own words. 


Phrasal verb with "turn" 

Let's buy this sofa! It can turn ___ a bed, if we need one!

Turn into


Make one long sentence, using "already, just AND yet"

"I've already packed my bag, and I've just eaten breakfast, but I haven't brushed my teeth yet.


Storm Shelter

Describe what it is OR what/how it is used.

A storm shelter or storm cellar, is a type of underground bunker that is designed to protect the people isnide from violent and extreme weather, particularly tornadoes.


What do you think happened to the people who didn't have a plan?

They were likely very stressed and panicked, as they weren't prepared and had to act very fast under a dangerous situation. 


How would you feel in this situation? 

Explain what you think would be your thoughts & feelings. 


Phrasal verbs with turn: 

I had to turn ___ their invitation to get pizza together, because I had a terrible headache. 

'turn down' - to refuse / reject


The  ____ hasn’t passed us by  .

I’ve  ____  packed some supplies before we came in the shelter. I packed ____   after the emergency warning. My family and I are waiting ____ in the basement of our house.

I can hear the wind blowing ___  outside.

My little sister is sitting ___ on the sofa and reading a picture book.

The Tornado hasn’t passed us by yet.

I’ve already packed some supplies before we came in the shelter.

 I packed just after the emergency warning. My family and I are waiting bravely in the basement of our house. 

I can hear the wind blowing loudly outside.

 My little sister is sitting quietly on the sofa and reading a picture book.



Describe what it is OR what/how it is used.

A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation that requires immediate and quick action.


How do you think the characters will feel the next time there's an emergency?

They will likely feel more calm and assured, because they already have a plan, and experience in dealing with the situation. 

Is your family prepared for an emergency weather event like this? How do you feel about living in a place with extreme weather?

Explain in your own words. 

By 8PM, I had ____ turned in my essay. I had finished it the day before, ___ before the deadline. I haven't gotten a review ___ .  (just / yet / already)

By 8PM, I had already turned in my essay. I had finished it the day before, just before the deadline. I haven't gotten a review yet.