What animal was dogs breeded from?
What is Wolves
What is the most common wolf?
Grey Wolf
How many frozen movies are their?
What is 2
What is the most common sport in the world.
What is Soccer?
How many letters are in the ABC'S?
26 letters
How many animals in the usa have spots?
What is the biggest wolf ever recorded?
Dire Wolf
What is Let It Go
What is the weirdest sport in the olympics?
What is chess-boxing, you played chess for 5 minutes than boxed for 5 more minutes.
What is the fastest rubix cube solve ever?
What is 4.22 seconds
What breed is the wolf in?(There is 2)
What is the area a wolf call's home?
What is a territory.
What is the name of the wolf in Togo who got all the fame instead of Togo?
What is Balto
What company logo is a swoosh?
Double Jeopardy. What is the 40 yard dash in NFL?
What is 4 seconds and 13 milla seconds
What animal weighs the most?(You have to guess the weight as well- in a area of 50)
Blue Whale-198 us tons
How far may a wolf travel for food?
What is 10-30 miles a day
How many words does Let It Go have?(has to be in a area of 15)
What is 67
How many holes are in the typical golf course?
What is 18
What is the fastest time someone sung the ABC'S
Scientific name for a animal with a pouch?
What is a marsupial
Double Jeopardy. Name three ways a wolf marks their territory.
What is Pee, Howling, Scat
What is the man's name in Call of the Wild who takes Buck to the woods?
What is John
How many weeks are there of a nfl season?
16 in a regular season and 8 in preseason
What is the slowest 40 yard dash?