6 Letter Words
Disney Movies
Girl Power
Oscar Nominated Actors
Famous Cartoons
The plural for a popular food made with dough, tomato sauce, and cheese
What is pizzas
Riley's emotions try to keep everything under control as Riley goes through a series of tough trials with her family.
What is Inside Out
This hero is a valued member of the Justice League and is known for her unbreakable rope.
Who is Wonder Woman
This actress occurs in many movies such as X-Men: First Class, Joy, American Hustle, etc.
Who is Jennifer Lawrence
Sugar, Spice and Everything nice plus Chemical X, were the four ingredients needed to create these three heroes
What is Power puff Girls
a confusing game where the objective is to create an image by linking connective pieces
What is puzzle
This historic family lost their home during an earthquake forcing them to try new things which is very dangerous is the father's eyes.
What is the Crood's
This hero is very powerful and is the daughter of Magneto. She also has a twin brother known as Quicksilver and is portrayed by the actor Elizabeth Olsen.
Who is Scarlet Witch
This actor is known for his role as Rambo, and Rocky and has a very distinct voice
Who is Sylvester Stalone
A group of curious friends go on a series of adventures including the Curse of the Lake Monster, Monsters Unleashed, Franken Creepy, etc.
What is Scooby Doo
A word or phrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.
What is adverb
A clown fish and his surgeon fish companion are on a search to find his son
What is Finding Nemo
This well-known character went from a therapist to an evil clown.
Who is Harley Quinn
This actor is famous for his role as jack in a true story about an unsinkable ship that sank.
Who is Leonardo DeCaprio
This family consists of 2 boys and 3 girls. Mayor Quimby is the mayor in the town that the live in.
What is the Simpsons
A specific day where you get money for working hard, particularly a job. Also a common candy bar.
What is payday
A powerful hero known for her membership in the X-Men. Her real name is Ororo Munroe
Who is Storm
This famous actress occurred on Movies such as American Hustle, and Batman V. Superman.
Who is Amy Adams
This cartoon's theme song goes like this,"With the strength of a million & 70 men, I guess really shouldn't complain, Still I wish I can go for a walk without, Rusting in the rain, It's enough to drain my braaaaiiiiiin, So welcome to my life As a..."
What is My Life as Teenage Robot
Someone who sells
What is seller
A group of six determined inventors form a team of heroes that consists of 3 boys, two girls, and a fluffy robot.
What is Big Hero 6
This strong female hero is the cousin of a well-known monster of the famous Avengers
Who is She-hulk
This Oscar Nominated Actor is most famous for his role as Heisenburg, as the drug dealers would say.
Who is Bryan Cranston
Every birthday, my mom and dad would say your another year older, another year wiser. but I still go to school to get an education, I treat each and every day like a mini vacation
What is All Grown Up