What is the mathematical answer to "What is 9+10?"
What is 19?
2+2 is four, minus 1
_____ _ _____ _____.
What is That's Three. Quick Maths.
What are Stephen's siblings names?
Who are Stella, Bruce and Reginald?
What animal supplies fleece?
What is a sheep?
How much points do you get in CoD Zombies from killing a zombie with a melee?
What is 130 points?
The most well known VR chat meme refers to what nationality of Knuckles?
Who is Ugandan Knuckles?
She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb
__ ___ _____ __ __ _ __ ___ ________.
What is In The Shape Of An L On Her Forehead?
Which Nat 5 was Adam's first?
Who is Woosa?
Which continent is home to the Tasmanian Devil?
What is Australia?
What is the name of the prequel game to Rocket League?
What is Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars?
What meme genre is popular among Facebook moms?
What is Minion Memes?
This is just the song to go ballistic on
You just pulled a pistol on the guy with
_ _______ ________.
Which ADC do Adam, Stephen and Lucas all have on their mastery podium?
Who is Jhin?
Which number system uses only 0's and 1's?
What is the binary system?
Name 1 of the original Vault Hunters from the Borderlands series.
Who are Lilith, Brick, Mordecai and Roland?
What colour is best known for being "sus"?
What is Red?
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh-oh
___ ____ ____ _____ _________.
What is You Don't Know You're Beautiful?
What colour is Matthew's hair?
What is Strawberry Blonde?
What bone in an adult is actually 5 seperate bones in an infant?
What is the cranium?
Name all 3 starters from the 6th Gen Pokemon Games.
Who are Fennekin, Froakie and Chespin?
Which typical meme template of the early 2010's is known for poor luck?
At what game did Blake complain about the unfairness of the AI on Unfair mode and get 3 stocked and lose, after boasting how easy it would be?
What is Speedrunners?
Who is featured on the current Australian 50 dollar bill?
Who are Edith Cowan and David Unaipon?
Who is the lowest base HP character at level 1 in League of Legends?
Who is Dismounted Kled?