Ice cream trivia
What favor of ice cream is the most popular in the whole world?
What is Vanilla!
Who started memes?
What is biologist Richard Dawkins
True or False! The average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 30
What is False!
Why did the chicken cross the road?
What is to get to the other side.
True or False! It takes 12 pounds of milk to make one gallon of ice cream.
What is True!
What does the Japanese word Nani mean?
What is What.
Which ice cream place in Mason serves their brownie on the bottom of the ice cream?
What is Dairy Hill
How many views does the "Never gonna give you up" have?
What is the least popular ice cream flavor in the word?
What is Butter Pecan!
What is the worlds most popular meme?
What is Harambe the Gorilla?