The Solar System
Sea Animals
Useful Life Skills
South America

This planet is the only one known to have life.

What is Earth?


This 10 legged mollusk has a giant and colossal variant. The colossal variant is 40 feet on average.

What is a Squid?


This three letter palindrome that is short for suspicious

What is Sus?


This is the largest rainforest in the world?

What is the Amazon Rainforest?


This MEN was the first person to walk on the moon

Who is Neil Armstrong?


This blue planet has a storm called the "great dark spot" which is about the size of earth and has winds up to 1,500 mph.

What is Neptune?


This ocean mammal is known for the horn on its forehead

What is a narwhal?


This bear tells you that "Only you can prevent wildfires"

What is Smokey The Bear?


This country is the largest in South America?

What is Brazil?


This is the richest MEN in the world

Who is Elon Musk?


This is the ring of rocks and ice between Neptune and the Oort Cloud.

What is The Kuiper Belt?


This whale is the only type to predate on colossal squids. Their head is rectangular looking

What is a sperm whale?


It is important to clean the lint trap so you don't start fires. What device has a lint trap?

What is a dryer?


This country has Angel Falls the largest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It has also had some issues with corrupt politicians and socialism

What is Venezuela?


This foot player MEN is 44 years old and has a special diet named after him

Who is Tom Brady?


Ceres, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake are all examples of this.

What are Dwarf Planets?


These sharks use their odd shaped heads to pin stingrays to the floor and eat them. They have eyes on either side of their strange head to scan the ocean better than other sharks.

What is a hammerhead shark?


This plant will create a rash and is characterized by its leaves being similar to an oak trees with smooth surfaces and sharp tips.

What is Poison Oak?


These kind of beans are named after the capital of Peru

What are Lima Beans?


This actor who found feces in his bed also was the voice actor for Rango in the movie Rango

What is Johnny Depp?


This martian moon is doomed to fall into its planet in a few million years. It is named for the greek god of fear and panic.

What is Phobos?


These strange deep sea creatures mate by having the male attatch to the female and fusing them as one fish.

What is an Anglerfish?


These are collected on April 15th of every year in the US.

What are taxes?


This lake is on the border between Peru and Bolivia. It is the highest navigable body of water

What is lake Titicaca?


This MEN middle name Hussein was a US President for 8 years

Who is Obama?