Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
who is Neil Armstrong?
Who performed in the 2023 superbowl halftime?
Who performed in the 2023 superbowl halftime?
who is Rihanna?
What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat?
what is porridge?
The McDonald's Mascot
what is a clown?
What food does Popeye like to eat?
what is spinach?
What cartoon network tv show has a blue cat and orange fish friendship?
what is the Amazing World of Gumball?
What is a popular syrup like sauce popular on thanksgiving turkey?
what is gravy?
what is the villains name in sleeping beauty?
what is Malificent?
Sign signaling opposites of alive and begin
what is a dead end?
What plant is known to help heal a sunburn?
what is Aloe?
what is the most popular color of car?
what is white?
What is the highest grossing holiday movie of all time?
what is Home Alone?
who is this?
who is Miley Cyrus?
Dollar figure is the name of this Nestle chocolate bar
what is hundred grand?
What has a gravitational pull so strong that light cannot even escape it?
what is a black hole?
Are worker bees both, male, or female?
what is female?
what item is a werewolf most afraid of?
what is silver?
How many bones does a shark have?
what is zero?
In motor racing, what color is the flag they wave to indicate the winner?
what is Checkered (white and black)?
Which bird is often associated with delivering babies?
what is a Stork?
Name the famous fashion brand with a polo player as its logo
what is Ralph Lauren?
Which continent is located in all four hemispheres?
what is Africa?
who is the most followed person on Instagram?
who is Cristiano Ronaldo?
who won the FIFA 2022 World Cup?
what is Argentina?