Fairy tale animal usually referred to as big & bad
The wolf
Captain of the Jolly Roger & enemy of Peter Pan
Captain Hook
Capital city 60 miles from Mt. Fuji
It's not unusual for infants to do it 20 hours a day
Most English words drive from this language
Nosferatu, Dracula, & Barnabas
Christopher Plummer played this "Sound of Music" patriarch
(Captain) Baron von Trapp
The largest river of the Sahara Desert
The Nile
At two months, new moms should be sure to start doing this with their baby, as it is important to their neurological delvelopment
Talk to
From "G.P." for general purpose army vehicle
Family name of the king who ruled Palestine at the time of Jesus
Some believe this legendary English pirate's treasure is yet to be found
Captain Kidd
2 of its states are Victoria & Queensland
Babies tend to ____ their birth weight by 4 months
The French m'aider, meaning "help me"
The infamous shooter that assassinated JFK
Lee Harvey Oswald
He discovered Australia, New Zealand, & Hawaii
Captain Cook
The continent Israel is on
The term used for babies around 3 months, when they gain awareness and involvement in the world around them
Adjective for independent contractor, originally a mercenary soldier with his own spear
Sherlock Holmes' greatest rival
Professor Moriarty
Walt Whitman poem lamenting Lincoln's death
"O Captain, my Captain!"
Only North American country to touch South America
Mothers should avoid feeding baby these two things until they are at least 1 year old
Honey & cow's milk
"Tragedy" comes from tragoidia, meaning "goat song" in this language