Context Clues
Figurative Language
Main Idea

The children had on their backpacks and were climbing on to a big yellow bus.

Where are they going?

School/home from school


An antonym is...

two words with the opposite meaning

Extra points:  Name 2 different pairs of antonyms


Tony thought the math test would be a piece of cake.  

What does that mean?

Very easy


What is a Main Idea?

most important thought about the paragraph


Using 2 adjectives, describe an elephant

Big, huge, grey, wrinkly, big floppy ears, long trunk...



"Oh rats" thought Katie as she stopped to clean up the mess.  "I hope we have another one."  She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton.  One left!  Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.  

What did Katie clean up?


Jill was so hungry, she devoured her sandwich in just 3 bites.

What does devoured mean?

Eat up hungrily


Alex felt butterflies in his stomach as he walked on stage to give a speech.  

What does that mean?

Feeling nervous


3 is my lucky number.  I always eat 3 cookies, I sleep with 3 stuffed animals. And I wear 3 socks on each foot.  

Her lucky number is 3.  


What is a synonym of nice?

Friendly, kind, pleasant, good-natured


Daily Double!

We bounced and swayed as we roared down the tracks.  What are we riding?

Train/ trolley/ roller coaster


My mom was infuriated when she heard that I was sent to the principal's office.  I've never seen her that angry before.

What does the word infuriated mean?

extremely angry


The White Sox beat the Tigers by a landslide.  

What does that mean?

win by an overwhelming majority


My brother Johnny has a huge collection of baseball hats.  His hats are all over his room, in his closet, and under his bead.  Soon, Johnny will need a second room to hold all his hats.  

Johnny has a big hat collection.


Complex question:

Would you rather wear your pajamas to school or wear your clothes backwards?

Answer in a complete sentence.



Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly 2 hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not boared.

What were they doing?

Watching a movie


Enviously John noticed a boy at the near by lunch table drink from a straw dipped in icy cold milk.  John could imagine the refreshing taste of cold creamy milk.

What does it mean to be envious?

jealous, resentful


It was down to the wire.  If Juan didn't get started on his project tonight, he would get a zero.  

running out of time


Squirrels have big, bushy tails for 3 reasons.  first, they keep the squirrels warm.  Second, they communicate with other squirrels using their tails.  Third, they use their tails to stay balanced. 

Why do squirrels have big bushy tails?


Complex question:

Why would someone need to use a band-aid? How do band-aids work?

Answer in a complete sentence.



From the first chapter in Charlotte's Web.  

Why was Fern's dad carrying the ax?

He was going to kill the runt piglet


Blackbeard the pirate is by far the most infamous pirate who ever lived.  Before going to battle, he would tie slow burning fuses to this beard and light them as he approached enemy vessels.  Everyone knew how terrible he could be.  

What does the word infamous mean?

well known for doing bad deeds; notoriously bad


Mrs. Watson's class was extra bad today.  They were driving her up a wall.  

Making her feel annoyed or irritated

Bonus points:  What drives you up a wall?  Answer in a complete sentence.


Glaciers are slow moving masses of ice.  They are made of fallen snow that, over many years, turns into large pieces of ice.  What makes glaciers unique is their ability to move.  Small glaciers are the size of a football field.  Big ones can be over 60 miles long.  

What are glaciers?


Daily Double:

Summarize this in 1 sentence.

Mickey Mouse is much older than he looks!  He was created by Walt Disney in 1928.  His first public appearance was in a black and white cartoon called Steamboat Willie.  At the time most cartoons were silent, but Steamboat Willie was one of the first cartoons with sound.  
