True or False
Positive Behaviors

This word is another word for Emotions.  _________ can be seen in our behaviors and our body. (Hint: Starts with a F)



It is okay to feel angry (true or false)

True. All feelings are okay. It is how we respond to these feelings that matter.


Name one thing that you know ALWAYS makes you feel sad and one thing that ALWAYS makes you mad

Thank you for sharing! This might be a trigger.


All feelings are important because they help us navigate life situations. (True or False)

[What is] True


We get rewards and positive feedback from others when we engage in positive behaviors. (True or False)

True. When we have helpful emotions and behaviors, people notice them.


When someone holds back immediate reactions when having big feelings, they are practicing _____ (it starts with a C)

Control. Self control is good to avoid doing something we regret, something we cannot undo (like break something) or have to apologize for. 


When I want something that someone else has, I feel ______

Jealous, Mad, (Varies)


Distraction can help us take a time out before addressing big feelings. Distractions include playing a game, having a snack, listening to music,  and reading. Name one distraction.

Distractions include playing a game, having a snack, listening to music,  and reading.


I can control my body to respond to feelings appropriately. (true or false)

True. We can use coping skills to make sure our behaviors and words express our feelings in a healthy way.


Name one positive behavior that you do consistently

Nice Job!


The result of our actions which can be positive or negative. (Hint: starts with a C)

Consequences. Consequences can be positive like a reward for helping clean or negative for hitting.


When the kids at recess play a game and do not as me to play, I feel _______

Sad, Lonely, (varies)


Give two examples of inappropriate ways of handling your anger

[What is] hitting, braking things, ignoring feelings, etc,


I ALWAYS make good/ positive choices when I am mad (true or False)

False. Uncontrolled big feelings often make us feel out of control and we do not make good choices when we feel this way.


Work with parent to agree on one positive behavior 

Helping others, Being kid, Being grateful, Manners, etc


Reacting is immediately acting on our feelings and responding is thoughtfully acting on our feelings. We use __________ ________ to help us STOP, calm down, and respond. ( Hint: Starts with a C)

Coping skills. Coping skills can be a way of calming down, physical, distracting, or processing our feelings.


When you fall and your friends laugh at you, You feel _____________

Embarrassed, sad, frustrated (varies)


Complete this sentence: If someone gets angry at me, I can __________ (hint: I statements)

Talk to them 


I can run in place, stomp my feet, rip paper, clap my hands,  punch a pillow, or take a walk to calm down when I am upset. (True or false)

True. Physical activity can help us calm down.


Work with parent to describe what that positive behavior looks like with one example 

Offering help, Asking if someone needs help, Saying please and thank you. Sharing toys without being asked, include others in activities, no hitting, etc


When we notice a big feeling coming, we call these "Warning Signs/ Stop Signs". These signs tell us we should slow down and stop before the feeling gets bigger. Name 2-3 of your warning signs

Sweat, yell, shake, feeling hot, throwing things, clenched fists, heart beats fast, feel face get red, cry etc.


When someone breaks the rules in a game you are playing, you feel _________

Mad, frustrated, (varies)


Make your own question about coping skills



Practice 2 of the above calm down tools 

Good job!


On your own, name a positive behavior and 2 examples of how you can show this positive behavior in actions.

Great ideas!