Name a holiday that is celebrated on December 25th.
To ___________,you need snow, a carrot for the nose, some buttons or stones for the eyes
Make a Snowman
What do you wear on your hands in winter?
What color should you wear for Chinese New Year's celebration?
Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?
Romeo and Juliet
The holiday on the last day of the year to celebrate the upcoming year.
New Year's Eve
Throwing snow at each other!
Snowball Fights
What do you put around your neck to stay warm?
What is the Chinese zodiac of 2025?
Who receives the most Valentine’s Day cards?
What do people decorate with ornaments and lights in December?
Christmas tree
In this activity, you glide across flat ice.
Ice Skating
What clothing item can have a zipper or buttons and is worn over other layers?
Jacket / Coat
During the Chinese New Year, what do children receive in red envelopes?
What is the named of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
What winter holiday is celebrated in Asian country with fireworks and red decorations?
Chinese New Year
An Olympic sport where you ride down a slope of snow with each foot on a different board.
What clothing item do you pull over your head and usually has a front pocket?
What traditional dance is popular during Chinese New Year?
Dragon Dance
In Japan, who traditionally gives gifts on Valentine’s Day?
What do people write at the start of the year to set personal goals?
New Year’s resolutions
An Olympic sport where you ride down a slope of snow with both of your feet connected to one board.
A type of shirt with sleeves that extend to the wrists
How long does Chinese New Year last?
15 days
What day do people celebrate instead of Valentine’s Day in Finland?
Friendship Day