Barry & Enright Productions as Tic Tac Dough The Joker,s Wild or Other
What is Game Show Central
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What is Soapworld 1982-1984 as The New $25,000 Pyramid
in 1990 as Barry & Enright Productions roll Call KingWorld as Tic Tac Dough The Jokers Wild & Family Fortunes as Jeopardylabs & Wheel of Fortune with 2 or 4 Types Game Show
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What is Favorite Show
in 1989 Cloosing Barry & Enright Productions as KingWorld i Like Tic Tac The Joker's Wild Wheel of Fortune Jeopardylabs or Other with 3 4 5 Different Game Show network
What is 1989-1990
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What is Game Show Central (1995)
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Barry & Enright as Different Show
What is 2 Joker,s
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