General knowledge
(US version)
General knowledge
(UK version)
General knowledge
(other English-speaking countries)

Where was the Statue of Liberty built ?

France (It was a gift from France to the United States in 1886)


What is Ireland's (Republic of Ireland) capital city ?


(Be careful, don't confuse the Republic of Ireland with Northern Ireland, whose capital is Belfast.) 


What is Australia's capital city ?



What does "it is not rocket science" mean ?

It is not that complicated


How many presidents are represented on Mount Rushmore ?

- George Washington (1st president of the US)

- Thomas Jefferson (3rd president of the US and author of the Declaration of Independence)

- Abraham Lincoln (16th president of the US who abolished slavery) 

- Theodore Roosevelt (26th president of the US who was very concerned about ecology)


In which English-speaking country is "haggis" a culinary speciality ?


(panse de brebis farcie d'un hachis à base de viande)


Who were the original inhabitants of New Zealand before the arrival of British settlers in 1840 ?

The maori tribe


What does "Don't cry over spilt milk" mean ?

To be upset or feel sorry about a mistake that already happened and can no longer be changed


When is Black History Month celebrated in the USA ?

Every year in February to celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans

(But in October elsewhere, such as in the UK) 


What countries make up the Great Britain ?

Wales, England and Scotland

(Add Northern Ireland, and you obtain the United Kingdom. If you want to include the rest of Ireland, call it the British Isles) 


In what year did New Zealand become the first country to give women the vote (more or less 10 years) ?


(including New-Zealander and Maori women)


What does "the early bird catches the worm" mean ?

It is said to advise someone that they will have an advantage if they do something immediately or before anyone else does it


What day is American Independence Day celebrated  ?

4th of July 

(American national holiday celebrating the independence of the first 13 colonies from the English in 1776)


How many years did Elizabeth II reign ? (more or less 2 years)

 70 years and 214 days 

(record of the the longest reign of a British monarch,  of a female monarch and the second longest reign of any monarch of a sovereign state in history after that of Louis XIV)


What are the colors of the Quebec flag since 1948 ?

Blue with a white cross (in the shape of +) and 4 white fleur-de-lis


What does "To put the cat among the pigeons" mean ?

To do or say something that is likely to cause alarm, controversy, or unrest among a lot of people


Which president was responsible for the writing of the 13th Amendment in the US Constitution abolishing slavery after the end of the Civil War ?

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA (1861-1865)

(In fact, Lincoln was assassinated 6 days after the end of the Civil War and the signature/ratification of the amendment, so it came into effect under his successor's mandate, Andrew Johnson.) 


What was Queen Elizabeth I'd nickname and why ?

The Virgin Queen because she never got married or had children (thus ending the Tudor dynasty)


In what year did Mandela become President of the Republic of South Africa ? (more or less 2 years)

Nelson Mandela became President of the Republic of Africa in 1994, following the first non-segregationist national elections in the country's history and his release from prison in 1990 after 27 years' imprisonment. He remained in office until 1999.


What does "to be like two peas in a pod" mean ?

It is said about two persons that are very similar, especially in appearance