Taylor Swift's middle name
What is Anne?
The name given to a basic binary unit.
What is a bit
"You too, my child?"
Julius Caesar
This creature was given the miraculous ability to speak, and chastised her owner.
Balaam's Donkey
This Tennessee-based alcohol company is known for aging its product in white-oak barrels.
Jack Daniels
Who is Jonathon Swift?
Main high speed memory that holds data and instructions.
What is RAM
“Pardonnez-moi, monsieur.”
Marie Antoinette
The Matriarch Rebecca gave a drink to quite a few of these thirsty critters in Genesis 24
This Pennsylvania-based company started out making baking soda, but now produces laundry detergents, cat litter, and more
Arm and Hammer
While the Peregrine Falcon holds the record for the fastest bird in the world, this bird holds the record for the longest sustained flight (10 months).
What is the Common Swift?
A user interface that uses icons and a mouse.
What is Graphical (GUI)
"Do not disturb my circles!"
Archimedes, (212 BC)
Go to the [] you sluggard, consider its ways and be wise.
Proverbs 6:6
The ant
If you needed a dust mask or painting tape, you might purchase from this brand that manufactures in South Dakota and Nebraska
Book series first launched in 1910 that helped establish the science fiction industry. It inspired Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and the invention of the taser.
Who/What is The Adventures of Tom Swift?
Taser stands for Tom Swift Electric Rifle, after an invention of the eponymous character.
A common raster-graphics file that supports lossless compression.
Hint: also, the acronym of an island nation in Oceania.
What is a PNG?
"Is it the fourth?"
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This animal is referenced by Jesus in his conversation with Nicodemus in John 3
Snake also acceptable
High quality gummy bears from Indiana
Fasted crewed airplane. Reached Mach 6.72, or 4,520 miles per hour.
The North American X-15
A sequence of numbers used to simplify sequences of bits.
What is Hexidecimal
"For, no Athenian, through my means, ever wore mourning."
Pericles, Greek statesman (429 BC)
[....] are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags
Proverbs 30:26
"Rock badger" also acceptable
Originally an industrial pigment manufacturer, this company shifted its focus toward art products for home and school use.