Guess the Drug
What's the risk?
When I grow up

Teens who frequently use this substance may experience reduced growth in brain regions responsible for impulse control and learning, potentially affecting their academic performance.

What is alcohol?


Teens who use this drug are at a higher risk of developing respiratory issues like chronic bronchitis and lung irritation, even though it’s often smoked socially.

What is Marijuana


Regular use of this hallucinogen in teen years can cause persistent visual disturbances and psychological disorders like flashbacks and anxiety in adulthood.

What is LSD?


Teen use of this prescription stimulant can increase the likelihood of using stronger, illicit stimulants like cocaine due to its similar euphoric effects.

What is Adderall?


This stimulant, often glamorized in media, can cause nosebleeds and a loss of sense of smell in teens, even after short-term use.

What is coccaine


Teens who misuse this prescription drug are at a higher risk of experiencing severe constipation, which can lead to painful and dangerous intestinal blockages.

What are opioids?


Teens who misuse this type of medication are at a higher risk of developing a physical dependence, leading to withdrawal symptoms like seizures and anxiety when trying to stop as adults.

What are benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax, Valium)?


This drug, often abused for its relaxing effects, can cause temporary paralysis of the muscles and a "locked-in" feeling, where the user is fully aware but unable to move.

What is ketamine?


Commonly misused for pain relief, this prescription drug can cause teens to experience slowed breathing, leading to a dangerous condition called hypoxia.

What are opioids?


Teens who consume this legal depressant are at a higher risk of experiencing long-term sleep disturbances, including poor sleep quality and insomnia.

What is alcohol?


Teens who frequently use this substance are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues like schizophrenia or psychosis later in life.

What is synthetic marijuana (Spice)


Teen use of this drug can sometimes lead to "robo-tripping," where the user experiences hallucinations and a sense of floating, but it can also result in seizures or even death in high doses.

What is DXM (dextromethorphan)?


This illicit drug can cause severe itching and skin sores among teens who use it, often leading to infections and scarring.

What is heroin?


Teens who inject this drug are at a higher risk of contracting bloodborne diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, due to sharing needles.

What is heroin?


Teen use of ______ can result in irreversible damage to the brain’s dopamine system, leading to long-term issues with motivation, pleasure, and mood regulation as an adult.

What is methamphetamine?


Teens who abuse meth can lead to severe dental decay known as _____

Meth Mouth


Teens who frequently use this drug may develop a condition known as "amotivational syndrome," where they lose interest in school, hobbies, or future goals due to changes in the brain's reward system.

What is marijuana?


Teens who regularly use this drug are at a higher risk of experiencing reduced sperm count and fertility issues as adults, potentially affecting their ability to conceive.

What is marijuana?


Teens who engage in heavy use of this substance are at an increased risk of developing infertility issues later in life, due to its impact on hormonal balance and reproductive organs.

What is tobacco?


This popular drug, found in many over-the-counter cold medications, can cause visual and auditory hallucinations when taken in large quantities, with teens often abusing it to get high.

Hint: Also the name of a candy

What is coricidin (often referred to as "skittles" in slang)?