Alcoholic Anonymous
Television Shows
Narcotic Anonymous
Middle School

The most popular sport across the world.

What is Football, or Soccer. 


Published in 1939 this is the common name for the text from which our fellowship get its name.

What is, Alcoholics Anonymous "The Big Book"


Steve Harvey is the host of this show.

What is Family Feud?


In the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous it states, "the only thing required to take step 3 is?"

What is, Willingness


This is the bottom of the fraction line.

What is denominator?


He is internationally known as Black Mamba. He was an American professional basketball player, who helped lead the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He died on a plane crash last 26th January 2020.

Who is Kobe Bryant


The three sides of the Triangle AA's three legacies

What is, Unity, Service and Recovery


Pat Sajak has been the host of this game show since 1981.

What is Wheel of Fortune


Name the reading: Most of us do not have to think twice about this question, we know. Our whole life and thinking was centered in drugs in one form or another-the getting and using and finding ways and means to get more. We lived to use and used to live. Very simply, an addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs. We are people in the grip of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always the same jails, institutions and death.

What is who is an Addict


This painter and engineer painted the "Mona Lisa".

Who is Leonardo de Vinci?

He is one of the biggest names in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Golden State Warriors point guard, who has played for Team USA's senior national squad since 2010, is one of the foremost three-point shooters in the NBA.

Who is Stephen Curry


_____ is the answer to all my problems.

What is, Acceptance


This show has athletes going against each other in a test of strength on a challenging obstacle course featuring The Warped Wall.

What is American Ninja Warrior


The only requirement for membership in Narcotics Anonymous is_______?

What is, The desire to stop using.


This person was the president during the American Civil War.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


He was an American professional boxer and activist. Nicknamed "the Greatest". He  is often regarded as the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time. He was born on 17th January 1942 and died on 3rd of June 2016.

Who is Muhammad Ali


Each of the 12-steps has one

what is, A spiritual principle.


In Family guy what is the dogs name?

What is Bryan


What is, the four side of the NA Pyramid

God, Society, Self and Service


This is the only number that has the same number of letters as it’s meaning.

What is the number 4?


This sport is similar to baseball.  It's popular in Pakistan, India, Australia, Ireland and England. A "bowler" throws the ball. A batsman must protect a set of "wickets."  

What is cricket


Number one offender

What is resenments


This 80s show follows the lives of the Winslow family and their neighbor Steve

What is Family Matters


________Caused a great many of Addicts to relapse

What is Thinking of alcohol as different from other drugs, how it works


This is who started and wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?