This meme is about a pig person calling you with the most devastating ringtone.
John Pork
The last names of Luke and Anakin.
Crazy, out of his mind.
Off his rocker.
The quality of being friendly, generous, considerate.
The first president of the newly formed United States of America.
George Washington
"This is where the fun begins" comes from this franchise.
Star Wars
General Grievous
Going beyond someone's patience limit.
The last straw.
Feeling or showing appreciation of kindness.
The British Prime Minister during the early to mid 1900's
Winston Churchill
The planet that all memes come from.
The name of the original film studios that created the first 6 movies.
Overwhelmed by what's going on at the time.
Heat of the moment
An action or judgement that is misguided or wrong.
The King of England during the American Revolution.
King George III
The face that was made by a Microsoft employee that has taken over the Internet with it's sinister grin.
The Troll Face.
The name of the actor that plays Han Solo.
Harrison Ford
A plan or behavior that is odd.
A method to my madness.
To make someone feel good about something.
The monarch that was supposed to live forever.
Queen Elizabeth II
The most goofy person in the school year of 2022-2023 in Park Vista Community High School.
Ryan Hein
Emperor Palpatine's first name. (Not Emperor)
Jump ship
Having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of other's feelings.
The Italian that attempted to take over Europe in the 1800's.