
what do television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, books, billboards, and the internet have in common?

they all give out information/are a sort of media


Drugs are not allowed in lots if not every culture. what happens if you do them?

You can get disowned, and unaccepted into any culture or just community.


Its so bad it can cause people.



what family problems can it cause?

It can cause you to lose contact with your loved ones, and people prefer it over their own family which is terrible.


what is the worst thing alcohol and drugs can do?

It can make you lose ability to have control, and you can be more agressive with your surroundings.


what are drugs mostly?

Drugs are illusions that people think are really good, but they really aren't. They can help people in the moment lose their mind and get away from everything but its not worth the after cause.


the cultures that do not accept drugs has that as a terrible idea, what can happen if you do drugs?

you break the rules of them, basically not listening to your own culture.


What can it do to the brain?

It can make the brain rot from everything that has been put into your body.


lots of people get caught doing or selling illegal drugs, what happens to those people?

They can live the worst life and have the worst consequences after getting caught.


name something that can occur from drug addiction

depression, weight loss, or memory loss.


people involved with drugs are very dangerous. what can be dangerous about them?

They could be involved in gangs, and usually are. And if you do not co-operate with them, there can be problems for you and your loved ones.


Peoples appearances change, how much does it change?

It makes them look crazy, and thats about the nicest way to put it, they look really sick tired and just out of their mind.


What can drugs do exactly to the enviornment?

From your view it makes you happier in the moment and other people happier too, but it has such bad impacts on anything.


For cocaine, its an extreme drug, what can happen if you're addicted?

Deaths occur a lot from taking cocaine with an addiction.


whats the deadliest drug?

Fentanyl, it is way worse than heroin which is a horrible drug itself.


You can die, how often do people die from drug overdoes?

for the past few years it has been well over 60k people at least who have died from drug overdose.


Whats something that can happen around you that involves drugs?

The police, if its illegal or drug overdose the police will be contacted and inspect, you have a very low chance of escaping them.


What can addictions do to adults?

It can be more at risk by having the adults mood change, and careers being ruined from drugs and alcohol. 


how dangerous can drugs be?

They can be super dangerous based on tests run, and the results after people have taken many drugs has ruined their lives and bodies.


What is the most common age of the people who do drugs?

around 19, it is the average persons age for drug usage.


Whats something drugs can affect around you?

they can affect your relationship


What do drugs risk and affect most

Over using and being addicted to drugs can make out more stress.