Did you ever love me, was I ever good enough? That boy´s a...¨
Boy´s a liar-PinkPantheress
The Goal of the game is to hatch eggs and level up your pets
Adopt Me!
Who was the first USA president
George Washington
When does the Monsoon season occur
Which mob is known for burning in the sunlight
It´s my party and I´ll cry if I want to.
Pity Party-Melanie Martinez
The goal of the game is to survive the entities and make it to the last door
What´s the biggest land animal
Which is the oldest religion in the world
Which mob is very useful for getting around and can be ridden with a saddle
In the sunshine we shine together told you i´ll be here forever
Umbrella- Rihanna
The goal of the game is to earn diamonds and get new sets
Royale High
Who has teh most followers on Instagram
Cristiano Ronaldo
Who was at the top of the social pyramid
The Brahmins
Which mob does everyone want to beat in the end
Ender dragon
I put on survivor just to watch somebody suffer maybe I should get some sleep
TV- Billie Eilish
The goal of the game is to run away from memes and survive until the end
Which Soccer/football player has 3 World Cups
What is the largest river in India
Ganges river
Which mob is found in villages that can be useful but dangerous
Iron Golem
I would never fall unless it´s you I fall into
Until I found you- Stephen Sanchez
The goal of game is to dig through dirt to a country in Asia
Dig to China
Which movie came out last Friday
Scream 6
Which mountain range does Mt. Everest belong in
The Himalayas
Which mob was added into the new minecraft 1.19 update that is small