What are the 3 ways to assess and identify depression?
1. Mental Health Screening/Sàng lọc SKTT
2. Clinical Intake/Đánh giá lâm sàng
3. Diagnoses/Chẩn đoán
True or false: Psychoeducation is a good way to engage patients after screening?
How many A forms are there?
7 A forms
How many BA sessions are there?
5 sessions
What are the 4 training goals?
Knowledge, attitude, skills, implementation/ KIẾN THỨC, THÁI ĐỘ, KỸ NĂNG, TRIỂN KHAI
How often should you assess the patient's PHQ9?
Every 2 weeks!
What are the 3 main goals of psychoeducation?
Patient engagement
Knowledge about depression and depression care
Reduce drop out of participation in program.
How many supervision forms are there (B forms)?
7 forms
What are the 5 BA session topics?
BA Session #1: Relationship between mood and activities
BA Session #2: Doing new activities to improve mood
BA Session #3: Problem solving obstacles to healthy activities
BA Session #4: Balancing activities and predicting pleasure
BA Session #5: Shaping your future with new activities
What are the three scales we use in supervision?
•Needs Improvement/Cần cải thiện
•Satisfactory/Hài lòng
•Excellent/Xuất sắc
How do you control for time when people talk too much or don't know anything about depression during assessment?
Thấu cảm, phản hồi, đặt câu hỏi//Sympathy, reflective listening/questioning
How should I talk about progress of depression?
recovery without treatment vs recovery vs not recover
1. Some people can recover without treatment
2. Most people with depression can recover
3. Some people have relapse in the future
Why do we need to document clinical information?
So we can track our progress with our patients
- Know what we did with them.
- Evaluate the quality of treatment
- Evaluate the system and improve quality
What are three reasons patients drop out of BA?
•Khó khăn khi thực hiện bài tập về nhà/challenges in doing homeworks
•Đến buổi 2,3 BN được cho ra viện à bỏ trị/Up to BA session 3, patient is discharged à drop out
•Đến buổi 2,3 đỡ à BN bỏ trị/Up to BA session 3, patient have some improvement à drop out
How do you know when someone is competent? Làm thế nào để biết ai đó đủ năng lực?
Depression competence evaluation/ rating
Can I use PHQ9 to do screening for in-patients if they have depression and others conditions (anxiety, suicide, psychosis...)?
•Có, để thành thạo PHQ9, để theo dõi tiến triển của bệnh/Yes, for practice purpose, to monitor progress
Làm thế nào để BN quay lại sau khi làm Giáo dục tâm lý/How to make patient come back after doing psycho education?
•Không đổ lỗi cho BN/Dont blame patient
•Xem lại quá trình làm GDTL, cần cải thiện điều gì để tốt hơn/Learning from experiences, review process to see what can be improved
Name the A forms:
A1: PHQ9
A2: Risk Assessment
A3: Intake Assessment
A4: Behavior Activation Session Notes
A5: Medication log
A6: End of Treatment Plan
A7: Summary Log
What are the 4 general categories for BA activities?
1. Self-care activities
2. Fun activities
3. Learning activities
4. Meaningful activities
có 4 nhóm hoạt động: tự chăm sóc, vui vẻ, học tập, và ý nghĩa
When does the supervisor need to interfere? KHI NÀO GIÁM SÁT THAM GIA VÀO CÔNG ViỆC?
•when the provider don’t know how to deal with the problem or situation/ Khi nhà trị liệu không giải quyết được.
•when it affects the health of the patient/ Khi ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bệnh nhân
Ai là đối tượng cần được sàng lọc trầm cảm/Who is target group for depression screening?
•Người nhà của BN TTPL, ĐK, khuyết tật/Family members of schizophrenia/epilepsy/disability
•Người có vấn đề về giấc ngủ/suy nhược cơ thể/Sleep problems
•Các bệnh cao huyết áp, tiểu đường/NCD
•Khó khăn về kinh tế/Financial difficulties
•Nạn nhân của bạo lực/Domestic violence
How many time do we have to provide psycho ed?
Phai lam giao duc tam ly may lan?
Every session!
What are the 3 purposes of the labor reports?
1. Measuring provider time dedicated to depression care
2. Measuring supervisor’s time dedicated to building capacity for depression care in community health stations
3. Measuring data manager’s time commitment to research
Why is it important for patients to do homework/practice in BA?
Homework / practice is to help patients develop positive healthy habits to have more activation, meaning, and social connection!/Bài tập về nhà giúp BN có thói quen lành mạnh để tích cực hơn, có ý nghĩa hơn và kết nối với XH nhiều hơn
What are the domains we look for in depression care competence?
•Assessment of Depression/Đánh giá trầm cảm
•Counseling/Tư vấn
•Behavior Activation/Kích hoạt hành vi
•Medication Management/Quản lý thuốc
•Relapse prevention
•Progress monitoring