Career Types and Definitions

Negotiating Conflict Resolution (Drama) with Friends and Family
Fun Facts- Trivia
Corona Virus
When you get frustrated with someone that complains about you behind your back you should?

1. Get mad back, complain about that person to someone else,

2.  Tell your friends about the person that has talked about you and complained about you.

3.  The best way to handle a gossip is to  talk to them directly and not go through other people.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

3.  The best way to handle a gossip is to  talk to them directly and not go through other people.  


What are some of the careers that will be most in demand in the next 5 years?

  1. Nursing assistant, Construction worker, Physical therapy aide and Truck driver. 
  2. Nursing assistant, Actress, Physical therapy aide and Truck driver. 
  3. Designer, Construction worker, Physical therapy aide and Truck driver. 

1. Nursing assistant, Construction worker, Physical therapy aide and Truck driver. 


Why do people have conflict  speaking

1. Because people want their own way

2. Sometimes individuals let stubbornness and determination separate them more instead of working things out.

3. People who focus on  being right instead of the point of the relationship miss out on the best of relationships. 

4.  1 & 2, and 3 are all correct

4. 1 & 2, and 3 are all correct


Humans are the only creatures on earth whose brain shrinks. 

True or False


Humans brains shrink and some get dementia

(Read and do puzzles and Math facts to keep making brain connections). 


What is the best way to avoid the virus?

1.  Ignore what the local health recommendations advise

2.  Wear a mask and social distance every where you go

3. Wear a mask sometimes but hang out with anyone you want to in a restaurant where others do not wear a mask. 

2.  Wear a mask and social distance every where you go


Is it true or false that with people do not think clearly when they are angry and should calm down before reacting to others?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               



Because Computer Technology is becoming more essential every day in careers why do students need to learn as much as they can about computer operations

1.  Because computers are fun

2.  Because computer technology is in most every job today

3. It is essential to what we are doing in education right now

4.  Both 2 & 3

4. Both 2 & 3


The reason you should not involve others in your conflict because

1. Your friend will not mean to but when others beg to know what happened, your friend tells he/she and other friends and does not solve the issue

2. The issue is between and your friend and the more people you tell the bigger the conflict can become

3. Drama is meant to be and you cannot solve it

2. The issue is between and your friend and the more people you tell the bigger the conflict can become


It's Impossible to Hum While You Hold Your Nose

True or False


To make the humming noise you have to pass air through your larynx. You can't do that when no air can be exhaled. Still, seems pretty weird.


Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta and 7 different coronaviruses that can effect people? True or False



If someone is sad for more than 6 months all the time should they

1.  Get help from a Doctor or psychologist/counselor 

2.  Do not worry about it because the person will feel better eventually

3.  Do not ever talk about your feelings

1.  Get help from a Doctor or psychologist/counselor 


What are the best example or examples of Soft skills for career training-

1.  Collaboration- working with others

2. Social Intelligence

3. High IQ

4.  Both 1 & 2

What is 

4. 1 & 2


Working through conflict with your friends and family:

1. Helps resolve the conflict and makes you closer after the conflict is solved and you feel good about your relationship

2.  I really do not understand the purpose of conflict except I just want what I want

3.  Conflict is scary so I will always be passive and give in to my friends and family because I just want peace all the time.

3.  We are all trying to act like we are in Harry Potter magical houses and many people like Harry Potter.

1. Helps resolve the conflict and makes you closer after the conflict is solved and you feel good about your relationship


Name a mammal that cannot jump?

1. Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino 

2. Human, Whale, Monkey and Elephant

3. Bharal, Red Kangaroos, Hare and Hippo

1. Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino 


The virus that causes COVID-19 can be in someone’s body for up to a month before they get symptoms?

True or False



Up to 14 days before getting the Virus and sometimes do not show symptoms.


True or False there is a higher level of emotion in some people called emotional intelligence?

For double points explain what emotional intelligence is if there is such a thing?


Capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.


What type of basic college degree do most careers require as the very minimum after a high school diploma?

1.  Just a high school diploma is good enough

2. Associates Degree - 2 years of college with an actual Associates Degree or certificate in a specific training area.

3. 4 year Bachelors degree is required for all jobs.

What is

2. Associates Degree - 2 years of college with an actual Associates Degree or certificate in a specific training area.


Why is conflict inevitable and occurs between students in classes, grade levels and in work places?  

1.  Generally people have differences in how leadership occurs in groups of people

2. Generally some people like power; Some wants to be the center of attention in their friendship so everyone loves them the most as well as in work situations being the best in the job and the most liked by others. person everyone goes to for help/ideas. 

3. Generally people enjoy competition because it makes life more exciting and interesting

4.  All of the above. 1, 2 and 3 are correct.

4.  All of the above. 1, 2 and 3 are correct.


What is the World's Biggest Tire Producer?





Lego (the rubber tires in all the production of Legos)

(Walmart does not produce tires but sells them)


If there have been any other pandemics in America what are they?

1.  There has not been any pandemics.

2.  Smallpox that came from European settlers in America in the 1600's.

3. 1907 Typhoid Mary in New York  with 13,160 deaths in 12,670 deaths in 1907

4. Polio in 1916 and 1952 with 3,145 deaths out of 57,628 cases.

5. 2, 3 and 4. 

5. 2, 3 and 4


Can you create your own happiness?

1. No it is impossible to control happiness

2. Sure it is possible because you can make the effort to be positive and create your own happiness and choose to be happy most of the time by changing how you see the world.

3.  Once in a while you can change how you feel but not very often. 

2. Sure it is possible because you can make the effort to be positive and create your own happiness and choose to be happy most of the time by changing how you see the world.


Soft skills are considered important skills you can learn through for future success in careers. True or False this is how soft skills are defined:    Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you can work or interact with others. These skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.

What is 

TRUE 3. Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you can work or interact with others. These skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.


When you argue with your parents the best choice is?

 1. Argue Back

2. Negotiate with your parents and listen first and then state your needs and work toward a 50/50 agreement

3. Just stay in your room until you get your way

2. Negotiate with your parents and listen first and then state your needs and work toward a 50/50 agreement


Infant babies produce tears? 

True or False


Tear ducts don't fully develop in infants until they are one to three months old, making it impossible for babies to shed actual tears. No wonder they have to express their emotions by crying loudly.


How can individuals do their part to stop this pandemic and any other virus like the flu. 

1. Wash our hands regularly for 5 seconds each time you wash your hands cause as long as you wash them how long does not really matter.

2. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or longer with soap and water frequently.  Use a paper towel to cut off the faucets and then open the bathroom door and then dispose of the paper towel. Wear a mask every where you go in public and stay 6 feet apart from others.

3. Social distance sometimes and wear a mask when you feel like it?

2. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or longer with soap and water frequently.  Use a paper towel to cut off the faucets and then open the bathroom door and then dispose of the paper towel. Wear a mask every where you go in public and stay 6 feet apart from others.