O's (I&O/ENDO)
The length of time formula is good for in the fridge if opened and/or mixed.
What is 24hrs? What is 4hrs if filled in the bag for continuous feed overnight? or 24 hours if spike bottle?
Normal fluid bolus dose range for a pediatric patient (in mL/kg).
What is 10-20mL/kg of a isotonic solution (NS or LR)?
The reason it's important to have an accurate height and weight for oncology patients admitted for chemotherapy.
What is their chemo drugs are based on body surface area? (√ of height (cm) x weight (kg) /3600)
Aspiration precautions for a child receiving NG feeds & how to you check placement.
What is HOB >30 degrees, always checking placement (aspirate, tube mark) before feedings, supervision first few minutes or check back, monitors if <2yr or delayed?
The last thing you should do before hanging an IV medication.
What is hand hygiene and new pair of gloves?
Your patient has Tacrolimus due at 0830. You note he has a Tacrolimus level due to be drawn today. His IV won't draw, so you wait for lab. It's now 0915 and they haven't shown up yet (wah, wah) Do you: 1. Give dose because it's too off schedule already & get the lab tomorrow. 2. Draw lab yourself and wait to give Tacro dose until level comes back. 3. Draw lab yourself and give dose as soon as possible after your lab draw.
What is #3?
You update your patient's I&O after he drank one of the wax cups of sprite filled to the top, half a hospital apple juice, a 20oz Gatorade, and 250 of his water in his hospital mug. This is how many mLs you give him credit for drinking.
What is 1210mL? (if wax cup=300mL)
Define 'neutropenia.'
What is ANC <500? What must be frequently monitored while neutropenic?
Your 7yo patient had her appendix out laparoscopically. Your response to the question "Why does my shoulder hurt so bad when I have cuts on my stomach?" and your suggestion to improve this ailment.
What is air and walking around?
Define the 3-2-1 initiative for Hem/Onc patients.
What is walk/get out of bed x3, brush teeth x2, and bath/CHG x1?
3 foods high in phosphorus.
What is protein-rich foods such as meats, poultry, fish, nuts, beans, and dairy products? Bonus: What are phosphate binders?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! The reasoning behind a ketone insulin correction having a note in the order stating "do not give until blood sugar >240."
What is so you do not drop their sugars after giving them a large amount of insulin to get rid of ketones?
3 triggers sickle cell patient should avoid to prevent readmission.
What is cold, infection, dehydration, stress?
Set up portable oxygen for your patient who is on 1/2L O2 & wants to go to the playroom.
What is (show me)?
Emergency drug equipment needed at the head of bed and safety checks supposed to be done at hand off.
What is emergency drug list, bag masks, ambu bags, yankuer, suction, suction catheters? What is oxygen & suction testing?
You are a good nurse and remember to wait to hang your Vancomycin dose after you just drew a trough level. You're diligent in checking your labs and now see the level comes back at 20.5. You text the first year resident & he tells you it's ok to give the dose. Your response...
What is question order, call Rx, text senior resident, continue to hold dose?
The resident comes up to you in the morning and asks how many mL/kg/hr your patients urine output was for your shift overnight. (5yo 18kg who had 500mL out in your 12hr shift).
What is 2.3mL/kg/hr?
4 drugs used for nausea.
What is Decadron, Zofran, Benadryl, Ativan, Marinol, Raglan?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Meds that require POSS pre/post assessments: IV Morphine, Tylenol, Morphine IR, MS Contin, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Oxybutnin, Dilaudid PCA, Ativan, IV Benadryl, and Percocet.
What is IV Morphine, Morphine IR, MS Contin, Dilaudid PCA, & Percocet?
The dose AND route of epinephrine when giving in a code situation vs for anaphylaxis (hint: choices for dose are 1:10,000 or 1:1,000).
What is IV in code 1:10,000 for increased cardiac output and IM for anaphylaxis 1:1,000? Note: have to use filter needle for most(all?) 1:1,000 epi.
The most common cause of acute renal failure in young children.
What is HUS? (Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome)
Explain DKA- describe, causes, and the treatments.
What is body breaking down fat instead of glucose for energy which --> ketones--> acidic? What is lack of insulin (not taking or at diagnosis- not functioning) or sickness? What is treatment with fluids usually with K and some dextrose & insulin (slowly lowering sugar)? If mild, just drinking works usually.
The following have/has the capability of being heparinized (hep locked) for more than 24hrs: Port, Hickman, Broviac, PICC line.
What is Port?
Describe full spinal precautions to your 17yo patient who was in an MVA and no doctor has cleared their films. (re: positioning, pillow usage, BRP, eating, collars, etc.)
What is have to lay flat on back (sometimes reverse trendelenberge slightly is ok) and just log rolling, no pillows, collar on at all times, no BRP- use bedpan, eat with straw basically?
Demonstrate bagging a patient.
What is (demo)?