Safety First
Promoting Resilience
Viral What?
Educate Me
Clean and Sanitized

Coat hooks, shower rods, air conditioning vents are examples of this type of safety risk.

Ligature risk


This is how we treat trauma and promote resilience (hint: 4 steps).

We use the 4 R’s:

  • Realizing the prevalence of trauma
  • Recognizing how trauma affects the individuals with whom we work
  • Responding by putting knowledge into practice
  • Resisting re-traumatization through the use of restrictive practices.

Three PO medications currently used to treat HCV and how many weeks of treatment are required to clear HCV

Harvoni, Sovaldi, Mavyret, Epclusa, Viekira Pak, Olysio, Pegasys, etc.

Hepatitis C can be cured in as little as 6 weeks with contemporary treatments.


This is the safety information you teach patients on naltrexone.

-Wear medical alert identification

-Do not take opiates

-Do not drink alcohol


What to do after removing gloves.

Wash hands with warm water and soap or use hand sanitizer.


According to Joint Commission, this is the percentage of suicide deaths in hospital units caused by hanging or strangulation.

More than 70% of suicide deaths on inpatient hospital units are caused by hanging/strangulation.


The goal of the Six Core Strategies.

The Six Core Strategies were developed to mitigate conflict and reduce the incidence of seclusion and restraint.


Name 3 prevalent comorbidities that are important public health concerns for both patients and health care professionals in SAMSHA-supported substance use disorder treatment programs.

HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C


A recently detoxed patient is interested in MAT; he wants to initiate Suboxone treatment. How long must he abstain from methadone before initiating Suboxone?

Buprenorphine treatment may be initiated 36-72 hours after the last methadone dose, but it is advisable to observe for objective signs of withdrawal and not rely only on time lapsed since the last methadone dose.


What you do when injured on the job or experience an infection exposure.

Notify supervisor immediately, complete an employee injury report (or have someone complete if you are compromised).


For inpatient personal safety searches performed upon admission, patients must disrobe for clothing to be searched and skin integrity to be assessed. These are the articles of clothing that the patient must remove.

ALL clothing must be removed for inspection, including undergarments.

  • A sheet can be held up or a hospital gown can be worn if desired.
  • The search is always performed by 2 staff members.

“Universal precautions” related to trauma are this.

“Universal precautions” means we presume that all patients we serve have a history of traumatic stress.


There are three major types of viral hepatitis; vaccines exist for these two types.

Vaccinations are available for:

  • Hep A
  • Hep B

This is what you can discuss re: household transmission of HCV.

Household transmission is rare, but to ensure that it does not happen, the person should not share razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers, or any other item that could be contaminated with blood.


When it is appropriate to not wear gloves.

Any patient contact with intact skin such as when doing vital signs and passing PO meds.


What to do during a fire emergency and what the acronym RACER stands for.

-Dial 3333 to call Code Red/Sound fire alarm
-RN: Get SBAR and MD Order books
-Evacuate all patients and staff, CLOSE ALL DOORS
-Relocate to fire tower (East Wing in Khan)
-Role call using unit check sheet(s)

Rescue, Activate, Contain, Evacuate, Relocate/Role Call


This part of the brain is often hyperactive in those affected by chronic stress and PTSD.

The amygdala, responsible for perception of emotions, emotional/short-term memory, and the fight-or-flight response.


A new staff member asks you where they can find policies and procedures related to infection control.

This is where you can advise them to find all current policies and procedures, including nursing policies and procedures.

The Shared Drive (S drive) folder "POLICIES AND PROCEDURES" contains all current procedures and policies.

The policy and procedure binders no longer exist.


What to teach patients about preventing the spread of COVID-19

-Wash your hands often (for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol)
-Wear a mask when indoors in areas deemed to be at substantial or high risk per CDC
-Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
-Monitor your personal health daily: be alert for symptoms and stay home when sick


What MDRO stands for, what it is, and the most common type in this environment.

Multi drug resistant organism, an infection that is resistant to multiple drugs, MRSA, methicillin resistant staph aureus.


When it is acceptable to write or say, "contract for safety," or "+CFS."

NEVER. Do not use "contracts for safety" or the abbreviation "+CFS"

It is never acceptable to use this verbiage. No contract exists. It is not descriptive. Legally, it is unwise to use this verbiage.

Instead, describe objectively what the patient is or is not doing. Example: "Patient is/is not able to verbalize a plan to stay safe on the unit."


Using the Public Health Prevention Model applied to R/S reduction, how can we practice Primary Prevention with our patients?

We prevent conflict to begin with by (Primary Prevention):

  • anticipating risk factors
  • giving great customer service on admission
  • being immediately responsive to patients their families
  • maintaining a positive environment
  • developing personal safety plans with our patients

How the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads

The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person, mainly through respiratory DROPLETS produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.


What to teach if a patient is an IV drug user and does not intend to stop using.

Never share works with anyone. This includes all drug injection equipment that can get blood on or in it (needles, cottons, cookers, ties, water, etc.). Use new, sterile syringes. Teach about the use of Narcan, provide info about the transmission of HIV, HCV and the importance of regular testing.


How we practice standard precautions.

Using consistent practice for use of personal protective equipment to guard against transmission of microorganisms , regardless of status of patient.