Company & Logos
Animated TV Characters
Video Games
Old Sayings
If you invite this homophone to your picnic, beware! It could be your close relative or a pesky insect.

What is an aunt/ant?


This American car company is known for its signature bowtie logo.

What is Chevy?


This cartoon character hates his job and his neighbors, but loves art and playing the clarinet.

Who is Squidward?


This plumber wears his signature red hat with overalls, and is often tasked with saving the Princess from the fire-breathing Koopa King. Although, he dabbles in sports and kart racing.

Who is Mario?


You know it must be raining really hard when it's said to be raining these two furry companions. 

What are cats and dogs?


This homophone can be either the defining trait of a donut or the sum of two halves. 

What is a hole/whole?


The golden arches on this companies logo will immediately make you think of their signature fries or iconic hamburgers.

What is McDonald's?


This buck-toothed kid with his signature pink hat hates being left alone with his babysitter, Vicky. Luckily, he has some magic goldfish to keep him happy.

Who is Timmy Turner?


This series of football video games is named after a coach of the Raiders and iconic broadcaster. 

What is Madden?


This fruit is said to keep the doctors out of business.

What is an apple?


This homophone can be extremely bright! Or, if you're a dad, you can yell at it for not holding the flashlight right.

What is a sun/son?


Although now extinct, this companies logo was a bird, known for its iconic "tweets".

What is Twitter?


Scarred from his past, this cartoon character with a bad family dynamic must stop at nothing to restore his honor and reclaim his spot as heir to the throne of the Fire Nation.

Who is Prince Zuko?


This first-person shooter series puts you in the middle of combat in the past, present, or the future, and sometimes you might even fight zombies. Its titles include Black Ops and Modern Warfare.

What is Call of Duty?


They say not to cry over this spilled drink, but in this economy it may be worth a few tears.

What is milk?


This homophone can be a symbol of bravery, or can host your greatest fears. Equip your strongest armor and grab your sword and shield, because in most sets of lore, the monsters come out at this time. 

What is knight/night?


The logo of this tech giant may entice you to take a bite from it. In fact, it appears someone already has.

What is Apple?


This iconic character has appeared in more than just TV. From his humble beginnings as a steamboat captain, to owning his clubhouse, this character has become a household name. In fact, it's one of the most recognizable names in the world.

Who is Mickey Mouse?


Even though it is a sandbox game, it is widely considered that you have beaten the game Minecraft after you kill this giant flying beast. 

What is the Ender Dragon?

This saying may make one man think of garbage, but it may make another man think of pirates and gold. 

What is "One man's trash is another man's treasure"?


This homophone can get you caught or get you wet! If you're sneaking around at night, you might hear this sound come from an old floor or door. But if your venturing outside, this could serve as decent fishing spot.

What is a creak/creek?


This movie company now has its own streaming service and is known for its logo consisting of a mountain peak surrounded by stars. 

What is Paramount?


This adorable baby girl has been on TV for nearly 40 years, and she is known for sucking on her iconic pacifier. But don't let that fool you, she is also revealed to be the culprit of the titular crime of the two-part special, "Who shot Mr. Burns?"

Who is Maggie Simpson?


In this iconic arcade game, you will be chased by Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. 

What is Pac-Man? 


Figuratively, this saying suggests that you know what you doing. Literally, it means that you have some experience in bull riding.

What is "This isn't my first rodeo"?