Context Clues

Jerry experienced a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Jerry's is going from really happy to really sad. His mood is changing all of the time.


What would you assume if your friend kept looking at the clock while you were talking?

Like they were not interested.


Stephanie sees that Kylie made a post on social media that said,"Some people are just dumb". Stephanie decides not to talk to Kylie anymore.

How might Stephanie feel? How might Kylie feel?

Stephanie might feel like she did something wrong or maybe she doesn't think that Kylie is a good person. 

Kylie might feel annoyed, aggravated, etc.


The cubs nestled together to keep warm during the cold weather.

Nestled:to lay closely or next to, to cuddle


5 Things You Can Find In The Bathroom

toilet, tub, sink, toothbrush, soap, towel, shampoo/conditioner


Ashley laid down, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

She slowly went to sleep.


If you just joined a group talking about their favorite football teams, what might you say?

Talk about a recent game, your favorite team, or ask them who their favorite team is and why.


During lunch, Trevor is sitting by himself and is putting his head down.  When his friends ask if he's okay, Trevor tells his friends that his parents are getting a divorce. 

How might Trevor feel? How might his friends feel?

Trevor might feel sad, confused, hurt, depressed, etc

His friends might feel bad for him.


The driver could barely see because of the glare of the sun.

Glare: light so strong it hurts the eyes, making it difficult to see


5 Foods That Begin With P 

peas, pineapple, pasta, pears, pinto beans, pickles, potatoes


When George refused to fight, Kevin said, “What are you, a chicken?”

George is scared or afraid to do something.


If your friend is talking about a singer that you hate, should you say that?

Nope. Keep it to yourself. Not everyone needs to know how you feel about that singer that your friends like.


Aly is a new student in the school. She is sitting alone at lunch when Jada comes up and sits next to her.

How might Aly be feeling? How might Jada feel?

Aly might be feeling more comfortable, relieved, or just happy to not be alone.

Jada might be feeling friendly and happy. 


My mom’s smile vanished when she heard the bad news.

Vanish:to stop existing


5 Types of Careers/ Jobs

Doctor, teacher, lawyer, nurse, firefighter, cop, vet


When Pat went to the store on Christmas he said,"That place is a zoo!"

The place was so busy, packed, and full of craziness.


What could you do if it looks like no one is listening while you are talking?

Excuse me or Hey guys, I have something to say.


Gianna came into school with a new haircut. When she asked her friends if they liked it, Alex said she liked her old haircut better.

How might Gianna feel? What might Alex be thinking?

Gianna might be feeling embarrassed or insecure.

Alex might feel bad for embarrassing Gianna.


When I used the telescope, it helped to magnify the stars in the sky that I could not see before.

Magnify: to cause to appear bigger


5 Fruits That Grow On Trees

Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Peaches, Pears


Jenna said, "Those girls are two peas in a pod!"

They are super close; best friends.


What could you say or do to include a quiet friend in a group conversation?

I would ask them a certain question so that they could answer and bring it into the conversation.


For the fifth day in a row, Marc has complained of a headache during math time. He says his eyes and head hurt when he looks at the numbers.

What might Marc be feeling or thinking? What might his teacher be thinking?

Marc might be in pain and frustrated. His teacher might be thinking that he does not like math and wants an excuse to leave.


My friend and I wore identical dresses to school, making us look like twins.

Identical: alike is almost every way; similar


5 Things That Smell Good

perfume, shampoo/soap, food, dessert, cologne, deodorant, etc.