what is chinese?
this plant is considered to be one of the fasted growing plants in the world and is commonly associated with pandas
what is bamboo?
conchiglie, capellini, consigliere
what is consigliere?
numbers that only have two factors 1 and themselves
what is prime?
blue, killer, humpback
what is whale?
bonjour, au revoir, merci
what is french?
this ancient civilization had an expansive polytheistic religion headed by twelve gods and goddesses, with zeus othen said to be the leader.
what is ancient greece?
soldato, sedani, stelle
what is soldato?
longest side of a right triangle
what is hypotenuse?
book, inch, glow
what is worm?
hola, adios, gracias
what is spanish?
permineralization is one of the many processes that turns once living organisms into records of the past called these
what is fossils?
capodecina, cappelletti, cavatappi
what is capodecina?
perms stand for permutations and combs stands for
what is combinations?
sand, shoe, shadow
what is boxes?
privet, do svidaniya, spasibo
what is russian?
the force of the ocean is controlled primarily by the moon and wind, and refers to the the direction that water travels in
what is current?
paccheri, picciotto, picchiarelli
what is picciotto?
greak word meaning two legged, this is what a triangle that has two equal sides is called
what is isosceles?
baseball, cricket, vampire
what is bats?
hallo, tot ziens, bedankt
what is dutch?
this ecological biome is the transitional zone between a desert and a forest, and shares its name with the fifth largest city in georgia.
what is a savanna?
foglie d'ulivo, occhi di lupo, uomo d'onore
what is uomo d'onore?
the ancient mayans were the first to use this value, it would not be picked up in europe until more than 800 years after its discovery
what is zero?
crow, sand, candy
what is bars?