Did you block it?
Unique Terms
What move is that?
Scene Leads
Infamous Characters

This term is used to describe a situation where you are forced to guess.



This form of movement is well known for its country of origin and its use for creating space.

Korean Back Dash (Tekken)


The staple projectile, commonly referred to as a fireball.

Hadoken (Ryu or Ken, Street Fighter)


These two co-created GGPO network code that pioneered the way for Rollback Netcode in modern fighting games.

The Cannon Brothers


This character is known for his hyper aggressive play style as well as never being a bad character in any of his main line games he's in.



A type of move that cannot be blocked normally or tech'd, but can be jumped out of.

Command Grab


This form of defense has only been used in one series, but has become so iconic, there is an entire tournament series named after it.

Combo Breaker (Killer Instinct)


This move has him rising up and punching down at an angle. This move has become a staple of his kit across multiple series.

Power Dunk (Terry Bogard, King of Fighters)


This leader has contributed greatly to the growth of the FGC in the midwest/east regions of the U.S.

Rick "TheHadou"


This team of 3 characters are known for being some of the most powerful and overplayed characters in fighting games.

Magneto/Sentinal/Storm (Marvel vs Capcom 2)


A technique used to bait out a grab and punish bad defense.



This metered move is both offensive and defensive in its application. It's commonly used as either an extension or a way to punish predictable offense.

Shatter Strike (King of Fighters 15)


This move has him sliding low to the ground and slashing at the opponents legs. Typically used as a combo ender when you do not have the space to do anything else.

Stun Dipper (Ky, Guilty Gear)


This player has become known for being incredible skill in nearly any fighting game he picks up. He has won multiple EVOs across multiple games.



This character, while not being the protagonist of his series, is one of the most recognized characters across the genre.

Heihachi Mishima


A form of grab that can be combo'd into, but cannot be used on a blocking opponent like other grabs.

Hit Grab


An attack type that is unique to 3D fighters that allows for more variety in moves due to the limitations of inputs allowed.

While Rising Attack (Tekken, Soulcalibur and Virtua Fighter)


This mid range move has him charging forward with a very strong clothesline that typically can leave him safe, even though he is minus.

Gustav Buster (Azreal, Blazblue)


This commentator pair have become famous for being not only very charismatic but for their chemistry they have on stage.

Tasty Steve and Sajam


This character, while only being playable in one game, has become notorious for having some of the strongest and most oppressing zoning in fighting games.

Justice (Guilty Gear XX Series)


An uncommon situation where you set up the opponent to be forced to take a specific action that you can take advantage of easily.

Checkmate Scenario


This mechanic can be used to to end the special state you have entered and convert the time left into super meter to be used later.

Chain Shift (Under Night In Birth)


This ice based move has not always been present for this character, but has quickly become key to his kit for its defensive application.

Ice Clone (Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat)


This content creator is one of the oldest Fighting Game youtubers and has contributed heavily in growing the audience and reach of fighting games to the average person.

Maximilian Dood (Max)


This large and imposing character has become both loved and hated for his incredible flexibility in play as well as his incredibly strong moves making him hard to approach and take down.

Big Band (Skullgirls)