Along with the Senate, this body makes up Congress
What is
House of Representatives
This ethical principle states that one should treat others as they would like to be treated
what is the golden rule
Pho is the national dish of this country
what is Vietnam
This dog breed, often used by law enforcement for it’s intelligence and versatility
what is german shepherd
An owl ponders the question “how many licks does it take to get the center of this candy
what is tootsie pop
This person was the first woman to serve as Supreme Court Justice
Who is Sandra Day O'Connor
This Buddhist term refers to the state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of rebirth, it is also the name of a band
what is nirvana
This famous waterfall is located on the border of Canada and the United States
what is Niagara Falls
Pongo is this dog breed featured in the Disney film with 101 of them
what is dalmation
In the Middle East, this sweet dessert pastry is often made from layers of filo dough, filled with nuts, and sweetened with honey or syrup?
What is baklava
This amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote
what is the 19th amendment
This term refers to the belief that there is no inherent meaning or purpose in the universe
what is nihilism
This language is the most widely spoken language in the world
what is chinese
Elvis Presley sang about this dog breed crying all the time
what is hound dog
This classic American cookie was made on accident at the Toll House Inn in Massachusetts, typically made with chocolate chips
This 16th president of the United States was known for the emancipation proclamation
Who is Abraham Lincoln
This branch of philosophy deals with the questions about nature of reality, existence, and principles that govern the universe
what is metaphysics
This person was first to circumnavigate the globe
who is Ferdinand magellan
DING DING DING, this dog breed is known for it’s one-two punch combo
what is boxer
This Italian dessert consists of coffee-soaked ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, and topped with cocoa powder
what is tiramisu
This term describes the practice of drawing electoral boundaries to favor one political party over another
what is gerry mandering
This French philosopher and writer coined the phrase “I think, therefore I am?”
who is Rene Descartes
This landmark resides in a place known for having the 2nd highest population in the world, cricket, and Bollywood
what is taj mahal
This toy breed’s name is Mandarin for “Lion Dog”
what is shih tzu
This popular candy bar was introduced in the 1930’s and features laters of chocolate, caramel, and nougat
what is snickers bar