Social inferences
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate
Figurative language

John wanted a new videogame, but he didn’t have the money to buy it right away He went into the videogame store and stood looking at the game. His friend said, “Hey John, just take it! No one is looking.” John didn’t see anyone, so he took the game and put it under his coat. The store’s alarm went off as the boys tried to leave The store manager caught John trying to steal the game. John hung his head and said, “I’m sorry I took the game… I just really wanted it.” 

How do you think John feels in this story?

A. Bored; he doesn’t like to shop.

B) Ashamed; he was caught doing something wrong

C) Confused; He doesn’t know how a videogame got in his coat

B. Ashamed; he was caught doing something wrong


What does gloomy mean?

feeling down, pessimistic, sad


Talking over someone because you think your idea is more important. Appropriate or inappropriate, why?

Inappropriate just because you think your idea is more important it isn't very nice to talk over someone.


If you are accusing Janice of wrecking your bike, you’re barking up the wrong tree!

This really means…

A. You are accusing the wrong person

B. You are riding an old bike that belonged to Janice

C. You know Janice wrecked your bike

D. Janice’s dog chased a squirrel up a tree

A. You are accusing the wrong person


"Those kids were laughing when I walked by. They must have been laughing at me. They probably think I am a loser."- Ben

How does Ben feel and how can he change the channel on his thoughts?


Henry was sitting at his desk, waiting for his bus number to be called over the intercom. “Bus 42 is at the bus circle,” said the announcer. Henry jumped up and hurried towards the door. He pushed his way down the hall, not paying attention to the other students around him. Henry said to the other students, “Move faster! You guys walk too slowly! Get out of my way so I can get to my bus!”

Describe Henry…

A. He is considerate of others; he watches out for others as he leaves school

B. He is impatient; he is more concerned about getting to his bus, than being polite

C. He is ashamed; he feels bad because he pushed his way through the hall

B. He is impatient; he is more concerned about getting to his bus, than being polite


What does furious mean?

extremely mad/angry 


Facing your body towards someone when you are talking to them. Appropriate or inappropriate, why?

appropriate to have body faced towards the other person.


Get your ducks in a row and start packing for your trip!

This really means…

A. Line up your rubber duckies

B. Organize and pack your stuff

C. Pack the ducks for their trip

D. Clean your room

B. Organize and pack your stuff

"I failed my math test. my life is ruined, and I'll never be good at math. I might as well stop trying."- Lily

How does Lily feel and how can she change the channel on her thoughts?


Monica watched as her mom drove up the driveway. Monica panicked. She hurried around her room, picking up the pile of clothes that were on the floor, making her bed, and trying to organize the mess in her room. Monica knew that she had goofed-off for too long. She had spent her entire afternoon watching television and talking to her friends on the phone.

What was Monica’s problem?

A. Monica was supposed to clean her room, but she had not

B. Monica needed to get her stuff together for her dance lesson

C. Monica forgot to tape her mother’s favorite show

A. Monica was supposed to clean her room, but she had not.


What does enthusiastic mean?

excited, eager, lots of energy


"I can't believe he got a brand new bike. He is so spoiled!" Appropriate or inappropriate, why?

inappropriate, He maybe got it as a present or bought it himself you can't make assumptions about someone and it's not nice to judge.


Sissy can’t weasel out of going to the prom with Jeff!

This really means…

A. Sissy can’t wait to go to the prom with Jeff

B. Sissy isn’t going to the prom

C. Sissy is taking her pet weasel to the prom

D. Sissy can’t back out of going to the prom with Jeff

D. Sissy can’t back out of going to the prom with Jeff


"I lost my jacket again. I can never remember anything. I hate myself"- Kyle

How does Kyle feel and what is something he could have said instead that is more positive?


Carl sat at his desk, doing his work for the day. Lucas sat behind Carl. Lucas was tapping his pencil on his desk- tap-tap-tap. Carl tried to stay focused, but the tapping noise was getting to him. Finally, Carl turned around in his seat and said, “Lucas, stop that! You’re driving me crazy!”

Describe Carl…

A. He is friendly; he likes to make new friends

B. He is agitated; he can’t stand to hear Lucas tapping his pencil on his desk

C. He is brave; he takes a stand for what is right

B. He is agitated; he can't stand to hear Lucas tapping his pencil on his desk.


Use the word content (as in the mood) in a sentence

ex. "Hira was content, she finished most of the progress reports that needed to get done." 


Pay attention to the person's facial expressions when suggesting an idea, if they don't look interested say something else. Appropriate or inappropriate, why?

Appropriate. Facial expressions are a form of body language, if someone isn't interested you should switch the topic of conversation.


A little bird told me that my parents are planning a surprise party for my birthday!

This really means…

A. Someone told me a secret

B. I’m getting a bird for my birthday

C. My parents told me about the party

D. We have a talking bird

A. Someone told me a secret


"I accidentally ruined my friend's shirt. I'm a terrible friend. They probably never want to talk to me ever again!"- Brittney

How does Brittney feel and what can she say to her friend/ do for her to make the situation better?


Stephen stood with his eyes wide open in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that it had happened. Stephen had received his first ‘A’ on a spelling test. He had studied for a long time the night before, but he had not expected to do as well as he did. He thought to himself, “I’ve never gotten an ‘A’ on a spelling test before!”

How do you think Stephen feels in this story?

A. Shocked; he can’t believe he made an ‘A’ on the spelling test

B. Tired; he stayed up too late last night

C. Resentful; he is upset that he didn’t make an ‘A’ on his math test

A. Shocked; he can't believe he made an 'A' on the spelling test.


What does envious mean and use it in a sentence

Jealous. ex. "She was envious of her older brother, he got to go out as late as he wanted on the weekends."


The bus driver accidentally hits a pot hole on the road. Some students jump up a little bit but everyone is ok. You shout, "hey bus driver I am going to have to go to the hospital for a concussion and it's going to be your fault!" Appropriate or inappropriate, why?

Inappropriate, it was an accident and you should not lie about hurting yourself. 


With all the fish in the sea, why is Jane marrying that goofy man? 

A. Jane is getting married.

B. Jane is marrying a fisherman.

C. Jane likes to fish in the sea.

D. Jane has a lot of men to choose from.

D. Jane has a lot of men to choose from.


You’ve been teasing one of your friends because he or she is really bad at reading and writing and you noticed that recently he/she has started to sit alone. Once you noticed tears in their eyes. How do they feel? What should you do?

They feel sad. Go over to them and apologize.