Social Situations
Out and About

You are at work and someone asks me a question you do not know the answer to.

How do you respond?

Possible choices:

Ask a coworker who knows.

Ask your boss.


Someone cooks a meal for you, but it is something you do not like.

What do you do?

Possible Choices:

Eat a small amount.

Thank the person for cooking for you, but mention that it is a type of food you do not like but their cooking appears wonderful. 


You have a friend that repeatedly avoids eye contact with you, and it is starting to get worse and interferes with communication.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask your friend if everything is alright.

Explain to your friend that you are becoming distracted when conversing and see if there is a solution you two can come up with.


Your favorite brand of toothpaste is no longer offered at your drugstore.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Order it online.

Go to a different store. 


Your birthday is consistently missed by your best friend, who appears to remember the birthdays of their other friends on a regular basis.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask your friend about it. 

Casually remind your friend about your birthday in conversation prior to your birthday.


You don’t remember an coworkers name and you want to avoid asking directly, due to fear of how this will look.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask another coworker what the person's name is.

Admit to the coworker you forgot their name and apologize while asking them for it. 


Light bulbs need to be purchased, and you need to use the remaining money in the checking account for food.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Put back food that is a treat and not necessary. 

See if coupons are available for something you are purchasing.


A person is asking you to keep a secret, and act surprised when it is announced at an event.

What would you do?

Possible choice:

Follow the person's wish as they are showing they trust you.


You are taking clothes to a consignment shop, and you had read or heard in advance that the payment is 50-50 in sharing what is made on the sale. You arrive to the consignment shop, and the sales clerk informs you that the arrangement is 30-70, meaning you will only make 30% of what the clothes will be sold for.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask the employee for clarification to ensure you are getting your fair share of money. 

Keep your clothes and sell them elsewhere yourself. 


There is a very specific doctor you would like to see, and when you call to make a new patient appointment — they say that that doctor is not taking any new patients.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask to be put on a waiting list and for a referral to another doctor. 


You are in a situation where you need help with a project and a person you do not typically speak to may have some great ideas. 

How do you respond?

Possible choice:

Go say hello and ask if they have a minute to talk.


Someone in your house leaves their stuff in a mess all over the living room and you want to sit down and watch TV. 

How do you respond?

Possible choices:

Ask the person to clean up their stuff.

Move their stuff to the side. 

Communicate with them and create a plan to stay organized. 


You are out at lunch with a friend and they begin asking you for advice. In this particular situation, you really do not want to give it. 

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Tell them you really aren't comfortable giving advice on that right now.

Tell them that you don't feel like you can give them the advice they need and possible recommend another friend who can.


You are interested in purchasing a recliner to match your sofa, but you can’t find a good match when you go to the furniture store.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Show the store employee a picture and see if they have any suggestions. 

Look online and see if you can find another option there. 


You are in a therapy session and you desire to end the session early, due to realizing you had a very important meeting scheduled in 5 minutes.

What would you do?

Possible choice:

Ask your SLP to end the session a few minutes early so you can make it to your meeting. 


You have been wanting to go on vacation for a while, however your job tells you that they do not have anyone to cover for you and will not have anyone in the near future. 

How do you respond?

Possible choices:

Meet with your boss and discuss a possible solution.

Schedule a meeting with HR.


You have guests over and begin to feel really tired and fatigued and you want to go to bed for the night. 

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Communicate to your guests that you are feeling tired and thank them for coming. 


You and a friend are going to a concert. You want to warn the friend about an issue that would be considered a touchy subject.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Tell the friend that you have to warn them about something that could be considered a touchy subject prior to telling them. 


You are at a department store, and the shirts you saw in an advertisement are marked with a different price than what you recall.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask the employee to complete a price check. 

Look at where you saw the different price in the advertisement.


You have a very busy schedule and you have been asked to serve on a committee in a volunteer capacity for a charity organization that you strongly support, but you are aware that you wouldn’t have the time commitment that would be required.

How do you respond?

Possible choices:

Ask if there is a way for you to assist, but in a lesser capacity.

Decline and tell the how you don't have the time currently but would still want to be considered in the future. 


Your friend at work is working hard on a project, and you feel it may be too intense for them to handle. You would like to let them know you are there for them; however, you are afraid that they may take offense that you have observed they are overwhelmed.

How do you respond?

Possible situations:

Talk to your friend and ask how they are doing.

Ask your friend if they need anything from you. 


One of your parents is sitting in a room by themselves, with their arms crossed and an angry look on their face and you have no clue why. 

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Ask your parent if everything is okay.

Give your parent space since they seem angry or upset. 


You are passionate about debating a certain topic -- and your friend is stating she doesn’t want to talk about that issue, because the content is emotionally charged.

What do you do?

Possible choices:

Change the topic. 

Ask your friend if there is another topic she would like to discuss. 


There is a person in your community that repeatedly communicates dark humor jokes at gatherings -- and you feel it is not appropriate for that setting, and you can see it upsets some of the older members of the community.

How do you respond?

Possible choices:

Ask the person to refrain from using the dark humor jokes in that setting. 

Ask another member to talk to the member making the dark jokes with you.


You aren’t sure if telling a “white lie” in a certain situation would be the best option to make, but the truth would definitely cause problems for you.

What would you do?

Possible choices:

Depending on the situation, if it's a person I am very close with I would tell the truth hoping they would understand.