when does the USA celebrate Independence Day?
July 4th
Who is the fastest runner.
How many bones does an adult have?
True of false: Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s voices were never actually married in real life.
False! they actually got married!
which animal has the biggest eye?
the giant squid.
What are the two official languages in canada?
English and French.
who was the longest reigning queen?
Queen Elizabeth II
True or false: cat urine glows under blacklight.
True or False: A chicken once lived for 18 months without a head.
True! it's name was Mike.
The brand name Spam is a combination of which words?
“spice” and “ham”
which letter doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name?
What is the longest that someone held their breath?
24 minutes and 37.36 seconds. the record was set On March 27, 2021, by Budimir Šobat of Croatia.
True or false: no sea animals recognize each other using names.
False! dolphins can actually recognise each other using names.
What is scotland's national animal?
The unicorn.
true or false: the different colours of froot loops all taste different.
False! they are all actually the same flavour.
where did toothpaste originate from?
Ancient egypt
What is the current Most Instagrammed city?
New york.
True or false: Water can exist in three states at the same time.
True! This is known as the triple boil—or triple point—and it is the temperature and pressure at which materials exist as a gas, a liquid, and a solid all at the same time.
True or false: British military tanks are equipped to make tea.
how much does a cloud weigh
around a million tonnes. A cloud typically has a volume of around 1km3 and a density of around 1.003kg per m3 – that's a density that’s around 0.4 per cent lower than the air surrounding it (this is how they are able to float).
Where were the first ever Olympics hosted?
In Ancient Greece in 776 BCE.
how long was the longest bout of hiccups?
about 78 years. lasting between 1922 to 1990
What is the only known fish that can blink both eyes?
The Shark.
what is the most difficult tongue twister?
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"
"Cosmic latte"