These two birds inspired Sage Dattatreya and were named as his gurus among 24 Gurus
What are Pigeon and Osprey
This cutest Guru teaches us to live in the present and be free
What is a child
This teacher teaches us that just because something looks attractive, it is not good for us and to keep the sense of sight under control
What is a Moth
Earth teaches us
Patience and forgiveness
Guru Starting with a B
What is Bee
This animal teaches us to be content with whatever food comes our way and eat only what is needed and not fuss over food
What is Python
This guru teaches us not to hoard or collect too many things that we do not need
What is a honey gatherer
This teacher teaches us to take the essence of knowledge from all scriptures
What is a Bee
Who teaches us not to get attached, mingle with everyone but not lose sight of the goal
What is Air
This Guru teaches us how God creates and withdraws the Universe
What is a Spider
This animal which does not have legs but moves teaches us to be silent and say only what is necessary
What is a snake
This Guru teaches us not to have expectations from others to make us happy.
What is Pingala dancer
This animal falls in a ditch and gets caught due to its lack of control of sense of touch
What is an elephant
This Guru has no boundaries
This Guru teaches us we can be what we think of
Larva (becomes a butterfly)
This large mammal teaches us to control this sense
what is our sense of touch
This king wanted to learn how to be happy from a Sage that he met
Who is King Yadu
This animal teaches to keep the sense of hearing under control
What is a Deer
This Guru purifies everything it comes in contact with
Which is Water
4 letter Guru that starts with M
What is a MOTH
This aquatic animal teaches us to have control over this sense
what is our sense of taste
This sage taught King Yadu how to be happy
Who is Sage Dattatreya
Which teacher teaches us to eat sensibly and have control over sense of taste
What is a Fish
This Guru is brilliant and destroys the impurities of others but remains pure
What is Fire
This teacher turns into a butterfly