What does the following suffix mean?-ar
Pertaining to
How many bones are in the hand?
What is... "blood under fingernail"
Subungal Hematoma
What is the pinch grip test?
Touch thumb to opposing fingers
What does the following suffix mean? -plasty
Surgical Repair
How many metacarpals are in the wrist?
What is Gamekeeper's thumb?
An injury to the medial collateral ligament
What is Wrist Distraction?
Ligament test for wrist
what does the following prefix mean? dys-
How many phalanges are there?
How do you treat a phalynx fracture?
RICE, splint in flexion, refer for x-ray
Which test involves the 3rd knuckle?
Murphey's sign
What does this word mean? Palpit/o
Name all of the Carpal bones
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, and Hamate.
Which carpal bone is the most common fracture?
Phalen's test determines what injury?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
What does this word mean? Isch/o
to hold back
Name the 2 landmarks of the wrist
Thenar Eminence and Hypothenar Eminence
What are the S&S of a Boutonniere Deformity?
Flexed PIP, hyperextension of DIP
Which test is used to determine DeQuervain's Disease?
Finkelstein's test