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Tell me about a favorite memory you have of your friends or family and how it makes you feel. 

I'm excited to hear!


Have you tried switching Anime characters into your school readings? How is it going?

If not, why?


What did Izuku Midoriya do to convince All Might to give him his quirk?

He tried to save Bakugou when he was attacked by the Sludge Villain. 


During Midoriya's battle against the brainwasher, he sees and hears all of All Might's past Heros in his head. Do you have an inner dialogue? 

Who does it sound like? 


Which hero in My Hero Academia wears your favorite costume?

I like Izuku's because his mom made it specially for him.


Can you explain how All Might's power works to me? Why is it called One for All?

I wanna hear your thoughts. 


What is your favorite food?

What about your least favorite food?


What do you do if you are confused in class?

You could raise your hand and ask a clarifying question, ask the teacher separately for help, ask a classmate your question, and more.


Who is your favorite character in My Hero Academia and why?

If it's Izuku, who else do you find interesting?


Name one thing that you find boring in school and one thing that makes you excited in school.

Make sure you name both!


If you could switch places with any person, real or fictional, for a day, who would it be?

What about an animal?


If you could time travel to any year in the past or future, which would you choose? Why?  

What would you do?


Izuku looks up to All Might, who do you admire most in the world?

Let me know!


What do you look forward to most each day?

It can be anything, something that makes you smile :)


If you and your friends won a $100 prize, how would you spend it?

Would it make a difference if you one $1000?


What would your hero name would be if you were at UA?

If you haven't given it any thought, what ideas come to mind?


You feel yourself starting to get overwhelmed at school, what is something your body does when feel overwhelmed?

Someone may put their head down, take a break outside the classroom, or shake their hands.


What is your dream job? 

Is there a career that doesn’t exist (yet) that you think should? Would you want the job? 


How do you learn best in school?

For example, you could be a visual learner, a listener, learn by doing (hands-on), or a reader (note-taking).


If someone were to make a movie about your life right now, what would you call it?  

Which actors would you want to be in it?


What is the most challenging part of your life right now?

It can be anything.


What do you think is the most important quality in a teacher? Why?

There are so many different kinds of teaching styles!


If you could have any superpower, what would it be? How would you use it? 

Flying would be cool!


What five items would you bring with you to a deserted island? Why?

Some things could be a book, sunscreen, a hammock, and more!


If you could create any law that everyone on Earth had to follow, what would it be?  

What would you want it to accomplish?