Disney World
Fun Facts

This mushroom that begins with a P gets its name from a town in Italy and has four syllables.

What is Portobello?


This ride in the Magic Kingdom is a boat ride that plays the same song over and over and over so the passengers never forget it as they grow older.

What is "It's a Small World"?


This United States President is sometimes called “The Father of His Country” and is on the one dollar bill.

Who is George Washington?


If a mime holds up 10 fingers and takes away 6, he has this many fingers left.

What is four?


The first letter in each word spells out this theme park. Experimental Community Prototype Of Tomorrow.

What is EPCOT?


All of the planets in the solar system spin forwards except Venus. Venus is the only planet to spin in this direction.

What is backwards?


During this part of the day, you would usually eat breakfast foods like cereal, pancakes, and orange juice.

What is the morning?


This ride in Animal Kingdom is named after a prehistoric animal.

What is Dinosaur?


The teddy bear was named after this president and is also the name of Audrey’s best friend.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


 This powerful storm is often confused with a hurricane.

What is a tornado?


This ride featuring a mine train is named after these characters from Snow White.

Who are the seven dwarfs?


This animal that cowboys ride can sleep standing up and never fall over.

What is a horse?


This magical horse has a horn and usually gallops on rainbows.

What is a unicorn?


This EPCOT ride lifts you up on a bench as you are taken to different parts of the world such as the Eiffel Tower.

What is Soarin’?


This name for this eating utensil combines a spoon and a fork.

What is a spork?