Name That Worship Song
Famous Figures in the Bible
Junk Food

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour."

What is Oceans


This arachnid themed webslinger famously "Does whatever a Spider can."

Who is Spider-Man.


This Old Testament Prophet fled from Gods call to preach to Ninevah and was swallowed by a whale.

Who is Jonah.

On a typical Golf course there are this many holes.

What is 18


These fruit candies come in a variety of colors, can be sour and have the catchphrase "Taste the Rainbow."

What are Skittles


"I'll praise when outnumbered
Praise when surrounded
'Cause praise is the water
My enemies drown in."

What is "Praise."

After his Parents where shot in crime alley this Caped Crusader dedicated his life to defeating crime in Gotham City.

Who is Batman


When God called down a flood to judge the world this old testament figure was called to build an ark to save his family and two of each animal.

Who is Noah


This shoe companies logo is a swooshing V shape and is named after the Greek God of Victory

What is Nike


This green Soda is known for having a variety of flavors such as "Code Red," "Live Wire" and Baja Blast.

What is Mountain Dew

"Name above all names, You are worthy of all praise, my heart will sing How Great is our God."
What is "How Great is our God."

The Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, who learned magic after a car accident rendered it impossible for him to use his hands.

Who is Doctor Strange.


God called this Hebrew patriarch to offer his son isaac as a sacrifice, but provided a ram as a substitute at the last moment.

Who is Abraham.


This Kansas City Chiefs player is currently dating Taylor Swift

Who is Travis Kelce


This Fast Food chain is known for always having there Ice Cream machine be broken

Who is McDonald's


"Hallelujah, Praise the one who set me free. Hallelujah, Death has lost it's grip on me. You have broken every chains, there's salvation in your name..."

What is "Living Hope."

This team of misfits defends the marvel universe from cosmic threats and includes a talking raccoon, a giant tree man and a human lost in space.

What is The Guardians of the Galaxy

A disciple of Jesus born Levi, he was a tax collector before his conversion.

Who is Matthew


This Boxer was nicknamed "The Greatest," objected to the war in Vietnam, and famously changed his name.

Who Is Muhammed Ali


This bag of candies contains chocolates covered in a small shell, and shares a name with a famous rapper.

What are M&Ms

"Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the lord God Almighty who was and Is and Is to come. With all creation I sing Praise to the king of kings, You are my everything and I will adore you."

What is "Revelation Song."


This quick superhero fights villains like Gorilla Grodd, Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang.

Who is the Flash


The King of Israel when Jesus was born, He tried to kill the messiah by ordering every male baby in Bethlehem murdered

Who is Herod the Great


This team is considered to be the oldest in the NFL

Who are The Green Bay Packers


This Method of holding Ice Cream was invented at the Chicago Worlds Fair when a Ice Cream Vendor ran out of cups and turned to a flat bread company for help.

What is a Waffle Cone.