Mr. and Mrs.
Movie Quotes
Stat That Wedding

This place is a Pittsburgh suburb, where the couple will be residing post wedding.

What is "Brighton Heights"?


This school district is home to the bride and proudly embraces the red and white.

What is "North Hills"?


This sport is one which the groom grew up playing in childhood.

What is "Football"?


"You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way."

What is "Friends"?


This one month out of 12, is the most popular month for couples to get married.

What is "June"?


The number of days until they say "I do"

What is "70"


This popular social media platform is commonly used to share about the bride's social life, and is also her greatest percentage of screen time use.

What is "Instagram"?


This hometown team never fails to excite and remains a favorite of the groom.

What are "The Philadelphia Eagles"?

"Three words. Eight letters. Say it, and I'm yours."

What is "Gossip Girl"?


The most popular age to get married in the US (average between males and females)

What is "29"


This Grove City burger joint is often advertised along I-79 and is also home to the couple's first date.

What is "Blackout Burger"?


This popular Japanese car brand, is often what you will see the bride driving, and is commonly borrowed from her groom for everyday adventures.

What is "Toyota"


This rather fascinating school subject is a favorite to the groom and is also one which he dragged his bride into taking during senior year.

What is "Russian History"?

"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

What is "When Harry Met Sally"?


Percentage of couples that do not go on a honeymoon.

What is "35%"?

This lake in New York is home to where the groom proposed to the bride, and is also where the bride's family formerly resided.

What is "Lake Chautauqua"?


This German based steel company is often where you will find the bride commuting to for the 9-5 hussle.

What is "Kind"?


This class is notorious for bringing about perspective to the academic and is also where the groom first gained interest for the bride.

What is "Civilization and the Arts"?


"And there is only one person that makes me feel like I can fly...That's you."

What is "Hitch"?


This number of layers for a tiered layered cake is commonly what you will see at a wedding.

What is "3"


This "special" cereal would have been featured the first time the couple had both hung out 1 on 1.

What is "Special K"?


If you listen carefully, you can distinguish one voice from another. This voice category is the section of the choir which the bride is native to.

What is "alto"?


This score composed by "Moses Hogan" was sung by Mr. Long as a solo part in the infamous last performance with GCC touring choir.

What is "Plenty Good Room"


"Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind."

What is "27 dresses"?


This is the price of the most expensive engagement ring know to human kind.

What is "$71 million"?