What are the three main types of responses to stress?
Flight, fight, freeze
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
The Heart
What is the most common cause of home fires?
Overloading electrical outlets
A falling tool is an example of what type of hazard
When was the last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup?
Most common mental health disorder in the U.S.?
How many teaspoons of sugar are in a can of Coke?
How often should smoke detectors be tested?
Every month
Is a hard hat allowed to be worn while operating an ATV
When was the last time the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup?
True or False: Exercising can boost your mental health?
What six-letter word for an exercise that combines a squat, a pushup, and a jump in the air?
How often should fire extinguishers be inspected and recharged?
Once a year
What does the term “PPE” stand for in the context of workplace safety?
Personal Protective Equipment
What is the largest country in the world?
1 in ? Canadians will be affected by a mental illness during their lifetime?
1 in 3 Canadians (about 9.1 million people)
What is the best vegetable that will give you a good source of calcium?
Where is the best place to have a carbon monoxide detector?
Near bedrooms
How far should the base of a 20' extension ladder be from the house
5 feet
According to Guinness World Records, what's the best-selling book of all time?
The Bible
Who is Newfoundland Powers Occupational Health and Nurse?
Cathy Dormody
Which fruit is a good source of potassium?
If you are using a saucepan, where should the handle be facing?
What is the minimum approach distance to a 12.5kV line for Qualified Workers
30 inches (750mm)
What is an eight-sided shape called?