Easter Story
New Testament Places
Parables of Jesus 1
Christmas Story
Bible Animals or The Letter "J"

Jesus died by being nailed to this horrific instrument of death.

What is a cross?


Palm Sunday marks the time when Jesus would enter this great city for the final time.

What is Jerusalem?


In Matthew 5, Jesus proclaimed believers as the Light of the World. He said we should not hide ourselves under this item.

What is a bushel?


Jesus was born in this famous city, as prophesied in Micah 5:2

What is Bethlehem?


In the Garden of Eden, Eve was tempted by Satan, who took the form of this animal.

What is a snake?


When Jesus was arrested, according to Matthew 26, he had been praying fervently, but his disciples did this instead.

What is fall asleep?


The disciples were on a boat on a lake when this miracle occurred, according to Matthew 14.

What is walking on water?


Jesus said in Matthew 5 that when this spice loses its savor, it becomes useless.

What is salt?


In Luke 1, this woman was met by the angel Gabriel who told her she would give birth to Jesus.

Who is Mary?


He is known as the Messiah and as the Christ. But his earthly name was this.

Who is Jesus?


At the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread and told his disciples it symbolized this, according to Matthew 26.

What is the body of Christ?


Mary and Joseph traveled to this town, where Jesus was born, according to Luke 2.

What is Bethlehem?


Jesus made a parable of this particular seed in Matthew 17 because it is so small yet grows into a tree.

What is a mustard seed?


Matthew 1 tells us that the mother of Jesus was engaged to this man when she discovered she was with child.

Who is Joseph?


This man dreamed he should flee to Egypt with his wife and son, Jesus.

Who is Joseph?


Mark 16 reveals this person being the first to see the arisen Lord.

Who is Mary Magdalene?


One beloved miracle recorded in Luke 5 has Jesus telling a paralyzed man to “take up his pallet and walk.” His friends had lowered him to Jesus through this.

What is a roof?


Matthew 13 makes a comparison between the Kingdom of Heaven and this type of gemstone, saying people should sell everything they have to buy it.

What is a pearl?


When Jesus was born, there was no room at the inn, so his mother had laid him in this, according to Luke 2.

What is a manger?


This great-grandson of Abraham was so bullied by his 10 older brothers that, as recorded in Genesis 37, they let him be sold as a slave.

Who is Joseph?


On the sighting of the risen Jesus recorded in John 21, the disciples had been out on the water engaged in this activity when they saw him on the beach cooking for them.

What is fishing?


The transfiguration took place on this sort of natural rising piece of land, as reported in Matthew 17.

What is a mountain?


God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two of these, which Moses broke when he saw how badly the Hebrews had behaved.

What are tablets (or stone tablets)?


Jesus is a cousin of this famous prophet.

Who is John the Baptist?


The second of the 10 plagues of Egypt, as recorded in Exodus 8, involved an infestation of this type of amphibian.

What is a frog?