Famous Romantic Comedies
Kitchen Utensils

This 1989 film features Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal debating whether men and women can just be friends.

What is "When Harry Met Sally"?


This Dutch artist is known for his Starry Night painting.

Who is Vincent van Gogh?


This utensil, often made of wood or plastic, is used to mix ingredients in a bowl.

What is a spoon?


This type of pen uses a small rotating ball to dispense ink, known for its smooth writing.

What is a ballpoint pen?


This term describes the digital audio file that is distributed through the internet for playback on various devices.

What is a podcast?


This 1999 film follows the story of a bookstore owner and a famous actress, played by Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts.

What is "Notting Hill"?


This English playwright wrote tragedies such as Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.

Who is William Shakespeare?


This utensil is used for flipping pancakes and turning burgers on the grill.

What is a spatula?


This type of pen, often used for calligraphy, has a nib that needs to be dipped in ink.

What is a dip pen?


This is the process of cutting, arranging, and mixing audio clips to create the final podcast episode.

What is editing?


This director is known for romantic comedies like "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail."

Who is Nora Ephron?


This artist painted the Mona Lisa.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This utensil is used to beat eggs or mix batter until smooth and is often made with wire loops.

What is a whisk?



This type of pen uses gel-based ink, which provides a smooth writing experience and vibrant colors.

What is a gel pen?


This podcast by The New York Times offers a daily news summary every weekday morning.

What is The Daily?


In this 2003 film, Kate Hudson's character tries to lose a guy in 10 days as part of a magazine article, while Matthew McConaughey's character tries to make her fall in love with him.

What is "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"?


This art museum in Paris is home to the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.

What is the Louvre?


This utensil is used to measure larger amounts of ingredients, like flour or sugar, and comes in a set with different sizes.

What are measuring cups?


This brand of pen is famous for its clear barrel and reliability, often used in schools and offices.

What is a Bic pen?


This podcast features Malcolm Gladwell reinterpreting historical events and overlooked stories.

What is Revisionist History?


This 2008 film stars Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried and features the music of ABBA in a story about a mother, her daughter, and three potential fathers.

What is "Mamma Mia!"?


This American author wrote the novels The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night.

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?


This utensil has a long handle and deep bowl, ideal for serving soups and stews.

What is a ladle?


This pen type is designed for temporary markings and can be easily wiped off from non-porous surfaces like whiteboards.

What is a dry-erase marker?


This term describes a short promotional clip or audio teaser for an upcoming podcast episode.  

What is a trailer?