Recovery support
Mental Health
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What is AA step 1?

"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable." 


Can you name your current mental health diagnosis?

Ex: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia 


What does Co-occurring mean?

2 disorders at once. Ex. mental health and substance use disorders


What is one thing you learned from groups past week?

How to communicate emotions/feelings, being more adaptable, improving self-talk, better understanding of our suffering, the benefits of sitting in a pool and connecting with nature. 


Jelly Roll: Somebody save me, me from____________

I only talk to god when ___ ____ ___ __________


I need a favor


Name the date, time, and location of a 12 step meeting.

What is...


Can you name 5 mental health symptoms you experience?

Ex: Panic attacks, flashbacks, loss of interest, hallucinations, mania


How has your substance use impacted your mental health?

ex: When I used cocaine my mania would be triggered and I began to experience hallucinations


What does S.M.A.R.T goal stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely 


Most commonly abused substances in the U.S

Alcohol and Marijuana 


What qualities should one look for in a sponsor?

Over 1 year of sobriety, time to meet with you individually, has a recovery that you want, willing to hold you accountable, work on step work together


Name 5 coping skills you use for you mental health that you are CURRENTLY using

Ex: taking medication, going on walks, meditating, exercise, deep breathing


How has your mental health impacted your substance use?

Ex: Sometimes when I get overwhelmed and anxious I feel like I can't cope so I smoke weed to calm down


What is Dopamine and its role in addiction?

A "feel good" chemical released in your brain. Many drugs cause a flood of dopamine, which the brain begins to seek at higher levels as tolerance builds


Who has the cleanest room in the house?

Eh they could all be a little cleaner... LOL


What does HOW stand for?


Open minded



The number for mobile crisis



True or False: 10% of people who are dependent upon or abuse alcohol and 20% of people who are dependent upon or abuse street drugs also have at least one serious mental illness?

False. The percentages are much higher 37% for alcohol and 53% for drugs. 


How many parts of the brain can you identify?

Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Temporal lobe, Pituitary gland, Pons, Cerebellum, Medulla Oblongata, Thalamus, Hypothalamus. 


One piece of advice you would give to someone just coming into the house/program? 

Ariel - "Stay small, stay humble" 

Name the weak spots in your recovery today

Not attending meetings, spending time with old using friends, not managing metnal health, using drugs or alcohol, lying, manipulating, secret keeping, seeking control, trying to rely on will alone


In what ways have you neglected your mental wellness recently?

ex: Not taking meds as prescribed, not sleeping, lack of exercise, isolating, missing therapy appointments, using substances 


What is the difference between sobriety and recovery? And which one are you in?

Sobriety; Abstinence from substances

Recovery; Actively working to develop new relationships, coping skills, habits, and ways of thinking that support a healthier and purposeful life


What are the most common group rules that are broken?

Tardiness/missing group, crosstalk, eating in group. 


Everyone in the group goes around and says a positive affirmation. 

I am... Amazing, thoughtful, kind, compassionate, funny, beautiful, caring, strong, determined, motivated, peaceful, right where I need to be, proud of myself, confident in my recovery, etc.